Mir Yeshiva Baltimore Night Seder Chaburah Starting in Kehillas Kol Torah

By Hamodia/Devorah Klein
Posted on 04/24/18

Baltimore, MD - Apr. 24, 2018 - An exciting new night seder chaburah has begun in Kehillas Kol Torah.  The Mir Night Kollel features an intense learning environment for baalei batim, giving them the chance to get totally involved in the sugya, and feel as if they are back in yeshivah, even after a long day at work. 

Several similar chaburos in various communities in the past three years, including Lakewood, Englewood, New Jersey, and Brooklyn. The chaburos are directed by Harav Yosef Elefant,  Shlita, R”M at Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim, who provides mareh mekomos and then broadcasts a live shiur via Skype on Thursday evenings at 9:30 p.m. Participants in the various locations can all interject with questions and Rav Elefant is available afterward to answer questions.

In Baltimore, the chaburah was launched last year at Kehillas Derech Chaim (Rabbi Pinchos Gross’ shul) by Rabbi Moshe Dovid Robinson and Mr. Yaakov Sonnenblick. The chaburah is now continuing at Kol Torah.

“It is a very unique program,” remarks Rabbi Robinson. “The fact that people can connect to the Mir and get a shiur from a world class Rebbe that is especially designed for them, is amazing. One feels part of a greater network and that is a tremendous thing. Rabbi Elefant delivers the shiur with a lot of bren, even though it is 4:30 a.m. in Eretz Yisrael.

The chaburah is now learning the 12th perek of Maseches Shabbos, and is held at Kehillas Kol Torah, 2929 Fallstaff Road, on Sunday through Wednesday evenings from 8:30 to 10:00 p.m. The shiur takes place on Thursday evenings, at 9:30 p.m.  For more information, please contact Rabbi Robinson at 773-368-1608 or imprintagadol@gmail.com.