Listen to Rabbi Moshe Hauer on Parshas Tazria - Recognizing the Bad for What it's Worth- 5th Aliyah (Audio)

By Rabbi Moshe Hauer
Posted on 04/18/18

Baltimore, MD - Apr. 18, 2018 - In the 5th aliyah of Parshas Tazria, the plague of tzaraas is discussed. There is a specific prohibition relating to removing the tzaraas from one's hair of skin, as a person should not reject any punishment that he receives from Hashem. This fundamental idea is critical to us in golus (exile), and to anyone experiencing a difficulty. Although we are required to approach good and bad situations with a positive attitude and understanding that Hashem runs the world, we are not supposed to dismiss difficult situations. We need to recognize when something is bad, and respond with a different bracha than in a good situation. Understanding the distinction between good things and difficult things can help us to yearn for a better time, when everything will truly be good.

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