Dr. Roberts: Don’t Bring Un-Immunized People to My Carnival

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 03/25/18 | News Source: MATZAV

This Chol Hamoed, as in years past, Kollel Ner Avrohom and Dr. Casriel Roberts will sponsor a Pesach carnival for the Lakewood, NJ, community. The event will be held on Wednesday, April 4th, at the Lakewood Cheder’s Vassar Avenue campus. Details of the event will be provided as the date draws near.

An important note included in the publicity about the event is a statement relased by Dr. Roberts and the organizers: “The event organizers ask that attendees not endanger others by bringing someone who is not immunized.”

There is a small, misguided minority of people who are against immunizing. This statement has been made to ensure that those who do not vaccinate do not put other people in danger.