Ohio Man Charged With Hate Crime In Beating Of Man He Thought Was Jewish

Posted on 03/23/18 | News Source: Associated Press

CINCINNATI (AP) — Federal prosecutors say an Ohio man has been charged with a hate crime for beating a man whom he believed was Jewish.

Authorities say 32-year-old Izmir Koch stepped outside of a Cincinnati-area restaurant in February 2017 and yelled asking if anyone was Jewish.

When one man responded he was, prosecutors say Koch punched the man in the head and continued to hit and kick him while he was on the ground. The victim was left with bruised ribs and a fractured eye socket.

U.S. Attorney Benjamin Glassman said Wednesday the victim wasn't even Jewish. Still, he says physically attacking someone because of their perceived faith is a federal crime.

If convicted, Koch could face up to 10 years in prison.