Baltimore, MD -  Feb. 24, 2021 - 12 Adar:

To the Choshuvah Baltimore Community.

All of us are acutely aware that Covid-19 precautions are part of our Purim preparations this year. We trust that you understand that keeping everyone safe and our treasured Yeshiva open and running are of utmost importance. Therefore, in order to maintain our "bubble", we must implement the following guidelines on our campus this Purim.

All of the Yeshiva's buildings will remain for the exclusive use of the Bnei Yeshiva and the Yeshiva Lane families. This includes the Botei Medrash during Davening and Krias Hamegilla as well as the Dining Room during the Mesibos.

Anyone who wishes to come deliver Mishloach Manos to their Yeshiva Lane friends, teachers, or to visit with their Rabbeim, should be finished with their visits by 12:00 PM on Purim day. Once the Purim Seudos begin (at noon) we will have to close the campus down.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter and wish each and every one of you Ah Freilichen Purim in good health and Nachas from your Mishpachos.

Hanhallas HaYeshiva