Baltimore, MD - May 22, 2020 - Rabbi Daniel Rose, rav of Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion Congregation sent these 'Suggestions Of How Shabbos Davening Might Proceed This Week' to his membership:

Dear Friends,

This Shabbos, many of us will be davening at home, while many of us will be davening with backyard minyanim. For those davening with minyanim, we must continue to follow the guidelines outlined by the Vaad Harabbanim for ensuring that davening is safe. One consideration that becomes more difficult on Shabbos is the need to make davening as efficient as possible and to minimize exposure as best we can. To that end, what follows is some suggestions of how Shabbos davening might proceed this week. It is only my suggestion, and there are other options for accomplishing the same goal. In addition, for those whose minyan will have a Sefer Torah, I have included some instructions for krias hatorah in this unusual situation.

Shabbos morning davening

Everyone should daven the bulk of psukei d'zimra at home. Davening with a minyan should begin at Nishmas. Zman Krias Shema this week is 9:25 AM, so davening should be scheduled such that the minyan will finish saying Krias Shema by then.

Kel Adon should be recited, not sung.

Kedusha should be recited, not sung.

The tefilos for Shabbos Mevarchim shoud be recited, not sung.

The Molad for Sivan was on Friday morning, 42 minutes and 13 chalokim after 11.

Av Harachamim is recited this Shabbos.

Kedusha at Mussaf should be recited, not sung

If nobody at the minyan is saying Kaddish, davening can end after the Kaddish following the chazzan's repetition of Mussaf and the rest can be davened at home.

Instructions for krias hatorah this week

It is of paramount importance that the proper respect for the Sefer Torah be maintained at all times. If it is raining -- even a light mist -- or if there is the imminent threat of rain, krias hatorah should not take place. The surface where the Sefer Torah is placed must be clean and dry. In addition, the Sefer Torah should not sit out during davening; it should be brought out for krias hatorah and returned before Mussaf, as we do in shul.

Only one person should handle the Sefer Torah: taking it out, reading it and receiving all the aliyos himself, performing hagbahah and gelilah, and putting it away. If there is more than one member of a household present at the minyan, they may share these duties, and in this case, they should alternate receiving aliyos.

Only Parshas Bamidbar should be read this week and one should not make up any of the parshiyos that were missed in previous weeks.

After shevi'i, the appropriate person will perform hagbahah and gelilah right away. There is no maftir and no kaddish before the haftarah. After hagbahah, the person who had the aliyah of shevi'i will read the haftarah with its brachos. Chatzi kaddish is recited after the brachos of the haftarah and before Yekum Purkan.

The haftarah for this week is for Machar Chodesh.

In the event that it is raining on Shabbos morning but it is clear on Shabbos afternoon, Parshas Bamidbar can be read before Mincha. The parsha should be lained as it would be lained during Shacharis, with all seven aliyos. Following krias hatorah, Mincha should begin with Ashrei and Uva L'tziyon, followed by the regular Shabbos Mincha laining.