Baltimore, MD – June 20, 2024 – 6:49AM - The intersection of Smith & Edenvale is blocked off, presumably due to a water main break. Work crews will be setting up soon. Avoid the area if possible.
Baltimore, MD - June 20, 2024 - Baltimore's Jewish community is struggling with a soaring number of antisemitic acts. Most recently, vandals stole an Israeli flag from the porch of a Falls Road office twice in the past two weeks. In December, vandals twice slashed a sign outside the Baltimore Hebrew Congregation which showed support for Israel. "It hurts because you worry about which of my neighbors is emboldened enough to go out there and mark up my sign," said Howard Libit, Executive Director at the Baltimore Jewish Council. According to the Anti-Defamation League, the number of antisemitic incidents tripled in 2023 compared to the previous year. Most of the incidents involved harassment, vandalism and assault. The numbers escalated following the October attack on Is...
Baltimore, MD - June 20, 2024 -  Former Baltimore City State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby is set to start her home detention on Thursday, June 20. New court documents show she was granted supervised release to travel to Boston to attend her grandmother's affairs. She was allowed to travel between May 28 and June 11. After this was approved, she asked to extend her stay in Boston for another week. Specifically, between June 11 and June 18. This delayed her home detention to June 20. Mosby was convicted of perjury and mortgage fraud. Just last month, she was sentenced to 12 months of home confinement, followed by two additional years of supervised release. She was also ordered to forfeit her Florida vacation home. A judge also required her to complete community service. Mo...
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office responded on Wednesday to IDF Spokesperson R.-Adm. Daniel Hagari’s interview on Channel 13, in which he stated the destruction of Hamas was “throwing dust in the public’s eyes.” “The Security Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has defined the destruction of Hamas's military and governing capabilities as one of the goals of the war,” the PMO statement read.  “The IDF, of course, is committed to this,” the statement added. During the interview, Hagari stated, "Hamas is an idea. You can't destroy an idea. The political echelon needs to find an alternative - or it [Hamas] will remain." Addressing "Operation Arnon," which saw the rescue of the four hostages...
In the latest shooting against a Jewish-owned institution in Montreal in the wake of the October 7 Massacre, an Israeli cuisine restaurant was shot at over Tuesday night, according to the eatery and local Canadian politicians. No casualties were reported by authorities. Falafel Yoni said on social media that one of their locations had been targeted on Tuesday night, and that they had closed for the day due to the holes in the storefront windows.   "Thanks so much for the overwhelming amount of support we've recieved," said Falafel Yoni. "We'll be back to business as usual tomorrow." Montreal Mayor Valerie Plante said that she was shocked by new acts of violence against the Montreal Jewish community, but said that she had full confidence that the Montreal Po...
Tensions between the Israeli government and the Biden administration are hindering US-Israeli diplomatic efforts to de-escalate tensions on the Lebanese border and avoid war with Hezbollah, Axios reported on Wednesday, citing US officials. Three Biden administration officials told Axios they are worried that Prime Minister Netanyahu's recent actions, including a video released on Tuesday criticizing the administration, create "daylight" between the two allies. As a result, the officials believe Israel's deterrence power in the region is being eroded, especially in the eyes of Hezbollah and Iran. One of the officials was quoted saying: "It is hard to fathom how a video like the one Netanyahu released on Tuesday helps with deterrence. There is nothing like tel...
On October 7, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Gazan "civilians" took about 250 Israelis and foreigners hostage to Gaza. In November 2023, over 100 of those hostages were freed in a deal which saw convicted terrorists released from prison. That deal broke down when Hamas refused to release the remainder of the civilian women and children held captive in Gaza: To date, about a dozen civilian women and two children - Ariel and Kfir Bibas, ages 4 and 1 - remain in Gaza. They are among 116 hostages still held in the Hamas-controlled enclave, as Hamas refuses to agree to a deal unless it includes an end to the war which would allow the terror group to regroup and regain full control of Gaza. Now, according to the Wall Street Journal, mediators in the talks and a US official familiar w...
Baltimore, MD - June 19, 2024  - Eric Eiswert has been named new principal at Sparrows Point Middle School. His official start date is July 1. Eiswert has 20-years experience in the Baltimore County Public School System. He served last year as Pikesville High School principal until he was abruptly removed over a controversial scandal. A voice recording was passed around, originally believed to be Eiswert spewing racial and antisemitic insults about staff and students. Turns out the recording was AI generated, created by a disgruntled former athletic director named Dazhon Darien in an attempt to frame Eiswert. Despite being cleared of wrongdoing, Eiswert never did return to his role as Principal at Pikesville High. According to a letter to Sparrows Point Middle students and pare...
The past eight months have felt absurdly Kafkaesque. Our bizarre and disorienting reality defies any logical explanation. We feel utterly powerless in facing an angry mob which shrieks "death to the Jews". The world has gone mad. That these malicious threats come from our Arab enemies is tragic, but understandable. Our enemies in the Arab world have consistently opposed any Jewish presence in Israel. The issue for them isn’t borders, refugees, or the suffering of innocent Palestinians, but rather their outright denial of the right of any Jew to breathe air in a sovereign Jewish Israel. However, what is illogical and even dystopian is the odd coalition forged to support rapists and serial murderers. It is surreal to watch crowds of Asian college students blindly back mass murderers ...
Rabbi Labish Becker - Behaloscha 5784 -Stepping on the Brakes- from Agudath Israel on Vimeo.
Baltimore, MD – June 19, 2024 – 3:14PM - A fire emanating from the woods on the way to Bais Yaakov is causing significant traffic congestion.
In the wake of accusations from Jerusalem that the Biden administration is delaying weapons shipments to Israel, the Wall Street Journal has reported that the White House has not progressed with the sale of 50 F-15 fighter jets despite Congressional support.  The $18 billion sale, which received backing after top Democrats lifted their objections last month, is yet to be formally notified to Congress by the State Department.  This delay has fueled further criticism from Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who posted a video yesterday expressing his astonishment at the hold-up. In his video, Netanyahu criticized the Biden administration, stating, "It's inconceivable that in the past few months, the administration has been withholding weapons and...
During his visit to the North Korean capital of Pyongyang, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Russia and North Korea pledged to help each other if either nation is attacked in a "breakthrough" new partnership. The parties signed a comprehensive agreement pact that includes a mutual defence clause. The North Korean leader Kim Jong Un described the agreement as "peaceful and defensive in nature." Putin said it did not rule out "the provision of mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the parties to this agreement." After thousands of North Koreans chanted "Welcome Putin" as the Russian leader kicked off his first visit to North Korea in 24 years, the parties also signed agreements on constructing a border road bridge and cooperation on health, medical education ...
A white cat walking across a partially destroyed building in Rafah’s Shabura refugee camp was the only civilian remnant of the Gaza neighborhood by the Egyptian border, which until the start of May had been crowded with Palestinians. A bullet-riddled Sonol sign still hung on top of the rubble of what had once been a gas station. Half destroyed concrete buildings stood, in some cases reduced to framed shells, intermixed with piles of rubble. Large swaths of sand, covered what had once been paved roads, giving Shabura a dustbowl appearance. The IDF brought a small number of reporters in a Humvee into this desert landscape on Tuesday, to speak with Nahal Brigade Commander Colonel Yair Zuckerman about the extent to which Hamas has integrated itself into the civilian area. ...
Jerusalem, Israel - June 19, 2024  - President Isaac Herzog hosted the Israeli Olympic and Paralympic delegations for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, on Wednesday morning, June 19, at Beit Hanasi, in Jerusalem, Israel.  The reception was attended by the Minister of Culture and Sports Miki Zohar, the Chairman of the Olympic Committee, Yael Arad, and the Chairman of the Paralympic Committee, Moshe Matlon, plus representatives of the families of the hostages, the widows of the Munich victims, Ilana Romano and Anki Spitzer and the athletes.  The President greeted the delegations with a blessing of success and said: "We are proud that you are the ones who represent us, we are proud that you trained for years to reach this moment, you invested days and nights, tears and sw...
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Wednesday, 19 June 2024) [translated from Hebrew]: "We are fighting on several fronts and face great challenges and difficult decisions. Therefore, I demand that all coalition partners get a hold of themselves and rise to the importance of the hour. This is not the time for petty politics or for legislation that endangers the coalition, which is fighting for victory over our enemies. We must all focus solely on the tasks at hand: Defeating Hamas, returning all of our hostages and returning our residents securely to their homes, both in the north and the south. Therefore, I demand that everyone put aside every other consideration. Put aside all extraneous interests. Line up, as one, together, behind our fighters."
Baltimore, MD – June 19, 2024 - (FOX45) For the second time in two weeks, a thief has stolen the Israeli flag from the front porch of an office on Falls Road. Dr. John Parkerson, who was inside his office when the theft occurred, expressed his disbelief and distress over the repeated incident. Surveillance footage shows the thief ripping the flag off its pole and driving away. Parkerson suspects it is a hate crime and believes the same person is responsible for both thefts.Nathan Willner, representing Shomrim, noted an increase in vandalism coinciding with rising tensions in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Despite the thefts, Parkerson has replaced the flag and insists on his right to express his opinion without fear of retaliation.
The end of a school year is always a time for introspection for teachers, parents, and students. They look back at their ups and downs throughout the school year and try to plan for an even brighter future. Teachers often reflect on their year to identify successes and disappointments, hoping to build on them for the coming year. This year was different with the ongoing situation in Eretz Yisrael. As mechanchim, we had many opportunities to inspire the boys. Returning from Sukkos to a new world, we started saying Tehillim after each tefillah. As the weeks went by, a rebbe in our Yeshiva K’tana of Waterbury had an idea to help maintain the momentum in these precious tefillos. Each week, a rebbe would choose a new kapittel, give a shiur explaining the whole kapittel, and then througho...
For the first time since November 2023, sirens sounded in the Eshkol region near the Gaza border, warning of a hostile aircraft infiltration. Sirens sounded in Holit, Nir Yitzhak, and Sufa. An IDF spokesman confirmed: "Following the sirens that sounded regarding a hostile aircraft infiltration in communities near the Gaza Strip, a suspicious aerial target crossed a short while ago from the Gaza Strip and fell in the area of communities near the Gaza Strip. No injuries were reported and the incident was concluded." The Eshkol Regional Council said: "This morning at 6:10a.m. alerts sounded in a number of communities in the Council, warning of hostile aircraft infiltration following the identification of a craft nearing our territory." "The IAF's defense system neutralized the aircra...
Baltimore, MD, June 19, 2024—Calling upon Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to prove himself the "Shomer," or Guardian, that he often claims to be, Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV) requested that Mr. Schumer urgently place three bills, all focused upon combating antisemitism, onto the Senate agenda. This comes after weeks of inaction despite strong bipartisan support for the proposed Acts, giving them a strong likelihood of quick passage once introduced. CJV, representing over 2,500 traditional, Orthodox rabbis in American public policy, sent a letter last week to the Majority Leader with their appeal to put the three legislative efforts up for consideration. "We are confident that Senators will see fit to pass all three of these critical Acts," wrote the rabbis, "if given the o...
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