Baltimore, MD - Apr. 11, 2024 - A political expert says Baltimore City's race for city council president will be competitive, but one candidate might have an early edge. New campaign finance reports show Councilman Zeke Cohen holds the lead in fundraising. University of Maryland Baltimore County political science professor Ian Anson said he sees the Democratic primary for Baltimore City mayor as a race between two early leaders, but the City Council president race has Cohen with a few things going in his favor. Cohen has nearly $481,000 in cash on hand. Former councilwoman Shannon Sneed has about $237,000 on hand. Incumbent City Council President Nick Mosby has $230,000 on hand, but told 11 News there were errors in the report filed Tuesday night and that an amended report w...
Baltimore, MD - Apr. 11, 2024  - Most Maryland utility customers will temporarily see increased charges on their bills for utility-run energy programs, according to the Maryland Office of People’s Counsel (OPC). The increase will happen as the State transitions to a new way of recovering costs that ultimately will save customers tens of millions of dollars, the OPC said. The changes are the result of decisions by the Public Service Commission related to EmPOWER, the State program to promote energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions that’s funded through utility rates. “For years, customers have been paying too much for EmPOWER by paying outsized profits to the utilities—much like a credit card company profits from consumers that carry credit card...
Towson, MD - Apr. 11, 2024 — Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski today submitted a $5 billion budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2025 that provides billions for public education, historic investments in recreation and parks, and continued funding for key priorities that will move Baltimore County forward, including public safety, housing and community development, sustainability, public works and transportation, libraries, and beyond. “Building a better Baltimore County requires sustained dedication, innovation, and integrity – all qualities that are reflected in our FY25 budget,” said Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski. “We are proud to continue making record investments in education, public safety, and recreation and parks while sustainin...
Baltimore, MD - Apr. 11, 2024  - According to the newest poll by Goucher, Brandon Scott is in the lead for the Baltimore City mayoral race, if it was held today. Brandon Scott has 40% of voters, followed by Sheila Dixon with 32%, Thiru Vignarajah at 11%, Bob Wallace at 3%, with the rest voting for some other candidate, or remaining unsure. Crime stood out as an issue among voters, with 88% of those polled saying "Crime and public safety" is a major issue. Affordable housing, litter, and the local tax rate were also majority major issues among voters. When polled about the cause of the overall crime rate for Baltimore City, 83% of voters labeled "Drugs and substance abuse" as a major factor, and 77% labeled "Underfunded schools and a lack of educational opportunities for young resid...
 This year due to the late Rosh Chodesh Nisan, it is advisable to recite Birkas Ilanos as early as possible. Ths sign is on the lawn where one can make a bracha on a pear and apple tree on the corner of West Strathmore & Berkeley (2806 W Strathmore Ave).Baltimore, MD - Apr. 10, 2024  - Reposted upon request:Q: There is a brocha which is recited once a year upon seeing a newly flowering tree.  I have a number of questions regarding Birchas Hailonos:  (i) When is the optimal time to say this brocha?  Does the brocha have to be said during the month of Nissan?  (ii) What rules apply concerning the location of the person when saying the brocha?  How far away can you be from the tree when saying the brocha?&n...
Jerusalem, Israel - Apr. 11, 2024  - The October 7th attack and the ongoing war have significantly impacted the personal sense of security among Israeli civilians throughout the country. In addition to conflicts at Israel's borders, recent terrorist attacks within cities have heightened concerns about personal security and expanded the need for civil defense initiatives. The Charedi community in Israel has responded actively. Hashomer HaChadash and the "Brothers for the Home Front" forum have jointly established the "People's Guard" project, aiming to train Charedi individuals interested in contributing to security tasks within their communities and enhancing the sense of personal security. Hashomer HaChadash provides training for the volunteers, drawing on its 15 years of e...
Baltimore, MD – Apr. 10, 2024 - It is with regret that Baltimore Jewish Life (BJL) informs the community of the petira of Mrs. Toby Turner a”h, mother of Reb Moshe Turner. Shiva in Baltimore will be observed through Tuesday morning beginning Thursday, Apr. 11, at 5:30 p.m. at 4002 Brookhill Road.   Minyanim Shachris – 6:30 a.m. (Fr, Mo, Tu) Shachris on Sunday – 8:00 a.m. Mincha – 7:20 p.m. (Th, Su, Mo) Maariv – 8:40 p.m. (Th, Su, Mo) Mincha on Erev Shabbos – 4:00 pm. Shiva Hours After Shachris until 10:30 a.m. 2:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Motzai Shabbos until 10:00 p.m. Bila Hamaves LaNetzach...  
This Pesach YOU can also bring HOPE to Rav David and his family by helping to support a father battling with ALS!   R' Dovid is the personification of HOPE to the world. This Pesach please help Rabbi David Frid to receive the life-giving care he needs at home surrounded by his loving family.Due to extra medical expenses your generous support is urgently needed!  Chag Kasher V'Sameach from The Frid Family They thank you in advance for your very kind and generous donation!  Click to watch the video. Access the donation page here.
Third-party 2024 presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. strongly criticized incumbent President Joe Biden's response to the war between Israel and the Hamas terrorist organization. Kennedy said in an interview with the New York Sun that Biden has “allowed the Democratic Party to drift away from 80 years of support for Israel" in recent weeks. He further stated that the administration's recent rhetoric has “driven the rising tide of antisemitism nationally." He stated that Biden's "most disappointing deficiency" has been his failure to make the moral case for Israel's need to destroy Hamas after the terrorist organization committed the worst massacre of the Jewish people since the Holocaust on October 7. Kennedy blamed Biden's "tentati...
The head of Hamas’s political leadership, Ismail Haniyeh, said an Israeli airstrike killed three of his sons on Wednesday, the first day of the Muslim holiday of Eid-al-Fitr, an attack that could complicate a U.S.-led plan for a cease-fire in the six-month-old conflict in Gaza. The Israeli military didn’t immediately comment on the statement. Hamas said five people died in the strike, which the group said hit a car making social visits for Eid, the holiday marking the end of the holy month of Ramadan. Haniyeh, in a separate statement, said some of his grandchildren also died. “I thank God for this honor that he bestowed upon us with the martyrdom of my three sons and some grandchildren,” Haniyeh said in a video statement posted on X by Qatar-bas...
Baltimore, MD – Apr. 2024 - Every Shabbos table offers every Jewish family an incredible opportunity by which they can share their joy for Shabbos, for Yiddishkeit and for HaShem with their children. Unfortunately, our schedules are hectic and many people don’t have the time to prepare themselves to utilize the Shabbos table to its fullest. Therefore, we at ACHIM created TableTalk as a pre-packaged talking points pamphlet which is attractive, fun and has something for everyone. Limited copies are distributed to many shuls on a weekly basis but they are snatched up very quickly. Get yours ASAP or click on the graphic below and print your own.What’s in it and what’s all the excitement about?TableTalk features:•    Weekly halachic dilemma creating l...
Baltimore, MD – Apr. 10, 2024 - The Mikvah at Shomrei Mishmeres Hakodesh (Rabbi Chaim Schwartz) on Strathmore Ave. has been completed, marking a significant milestone. Additionally, progress continues on the construction of the Shul, which is being built in two parts for efficiency. We're happy to report that the footers for Part 1 have been poured this week. Furthermore, preparations for pouring the top slab on grade are underway and scheduled to be completed later this week or early next week, iy”H.  
Baltimore, MD – Apr. 10, 2024 - It is with regret that Baltimore Jewish Life (BJL) informs the community of the petira Mrs. Elizabeth Pearson- Elisheva bas Avraham. Kevurah in Eretz Yisroel. Bila Hamaves LaNetzach...  
Fifty-six Democratic members of the US Congress have penned a letter to US President Joe Biden and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, calling on them to withhold the transfer of offensive arms to Israel, following the deaths of World Central Kitchen workers earlier this month. Announcing the move on social media, Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wisconsin) wrote, "Big news! Our letter to withhold offensive arms transfers to Israel picked up steam today. We added 16 signers for our final push - 56 Members of Congress total. A shift is underway!" "The Israeli airstrike that killed seven WCKitchen aid workers, including an American citizen, was absolutely horrifying and unacceptable," Pocan wrote. "Today, I called on the Biden Admin to withhold offensive arms transfers to Israel with Rep. M...
Baltimore, MD - Apr. 9, 2024: Dear Baltimore Community,Over the last six years, I’ve heard from many parents of children with disabilities about the brutal process of obtaining an appropriate education for your children.  The years of fighting with the school system that many of our parents endure is not okay. As a member of the Ways and Means committee, I have spent a significant amount of time studying this issue and working on ways to change the current process.  Last year, I sponsored legislation to shift the burden of proof in these cases from the parents to the school system.  That bill faced a significant amount of opposition and ultimately did not pass. Over the interim, I worked with the Chair of the Ways and Means committee on other solutions and we drafted ...
Baltimore, MD - Apr. 9, 2024  - Please join us for an amazing series of Shiurim on Tuesday evening, April 16th.  7:30 Rav Ahron Lopiansky   8:15 Rav Tzvi Holland.  Venue: Rabbi Heber's Shul, 6811 Park Heights Ave. Refreshments will be served. Followed by Maariv.  
Baltimore, MD – Apr. 10, 2024 – 8:33AM Woodcourt, right past Wickfield, is closed.
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