Wide swathes of Israeli territory in both Northern and Southern Israel have been evacuated due to the ongoing warfare. Residents of these areas are mostly being housed in hotels across the country, at the government’s expense. Others have taken the option of finding accommodations on their own. These citizens are offered compensation for each day, to the tune of 200 NIS a day per adult, and 100 NIS a day per child. Ashkelon has recently become a destination for Olim moving to Israel from the United States, and Chaim V’Chessed frequently receives calls from new immigrants who have moved there. In recent days, the organization dealt with a troubling issue some of these olim have experienced. Upon the commencement of hostilities in the South, numerous olim fled the are...
At the beginning of the war between Israel and Hamas, the main effort of Unit 504 of the IDF was led by the unit's soldiers, field interrogators and desk interrogators. While fighting against terrorists in Israeli communities in southern Israel, dozens of soldiers and field interrogators joined the IDF's combat battalions with the goal of eliminating terrorists, assisting the evacuation of the residents from the area and extending the findings emerging from the field. In parallel, a temporary field facility was opened in the south to conduct interrogations in real-time, which within a few days became a permanent facility for interrogations. As part of the terrorist interrogations that have been going on since the start of the war, 300 terrorists of various terrorist organizatio...
Baltimore, MD - Nov. 20, 2023  - Baltimore police are intensifying their campaign to apprehend those behind violence in the city, with a recent social media post showcasing weapons and drugs seized from November 6th to 13th, according to FOX45. In 2023, officers have already confiscated over 2,500 firearms in Baltimore City. If you observe any illegal activity in your area, you can report it anonymously by calling 911 or contacting Metro Crime Stoppers at 1-866-7Lockup.
Baltimore, MD – Nov. 20, 2023 - Gas prices in Baltimore have increased by 16.8 cents per gallon in the last week but remain 2 cents per gallon lower than a month ago and 36 cents per gallon lower than a year ago, according to a GasBuddy survey, notes FOX45. The national average price of diesel has fallen by 6.9 cents in the past week to $4.28 per gallon. GasBuddy reports that the national average price of gasoline has seen a ninth straight week of decline, with prices now at their lowest since January. In Baltimore, the cheapest gas station was priced at $2.95 per gallon, while the most expensive was $3.85 per gallon, representing a 90.0 cents per gallon difference.
Owings Mills, MD - Nov. 20, 2023 - Students have been evacuated from Owings Mills High School following a reported bomb threat. Members of the Baltimore County Police Department are on the scene. All students are safe, and there have been no injuries reported. 
Baltimore, MD - Nov. 19, 2023  - In the heart of Maryland, the Chesapeake Bay Bridge stands as an iconic symbol of connection, spanning the majestic Chesapeake Bay and linking the eastern and western shores of this beautiful state. Once a year, this engineering marvel transforms into a beacon of commitment and unity as more than 20,000 participants gather for an annual 10-kilometer run. This past Sunday, Nov. 12, more than 65 participants run the 10-kilometer race in support of imadi, committed to raising awareness for the new organization and the important work that they’re doing in the community.  Founded in 2021, imadi - from the Hebrew word for “with me” - is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to create an empowered network of support for families f...
Baltimore, MD – Nov. 19, 2023 - It is with regret that Baltimore Jewish Life (BJL) informs the community of the petira of Rabbi Pinchas Fleischman, z’lShuiva will be observed at The Towers 3021 Fallstaff Rd. Unit 102 B  Mincha/Maariv will start tonight (and continue thru Thursday) - 4:30pm Shacharis daily (thru Friday morning) 7:30am Friday mincha at 2pm Bila Hamaves LaNetzach...  
United Hatzalah volunteers reunited on Tuesday with two siblings whose lives they saved on Simchat Torah, October 7th. Itamar and Raya, who were among the numerous individuals who received swift treatment and transportation to various hospitals by United Hatzalah EMTs, paramedics, and doctors, were visited by the ambulance crew and first responders responsible for their rescue. The brothers who are still in the hospital, are on the path to recovering from their injuries. Expressing his gratitude, Itamar said, "There is no one like United Hatzalah; without them, I wouldn’t be here today." Ari Gartenhouse, who completed his medical training just before Sukkot and was immediately called into action, recalled, "We found the brothers severely injured and quickly performed necessary lif...
The day after Simchas Torah, I wrote an article about Levi, a bochur from Yeshiva Ateres Shmuel in Waterbury, who was called up to serve in the IDF on Simchas Torah as this terrible war was just beginning. As the word spread in yeshiva during hakafos the community and yeshiva gathered around Levi who was clutching a sefer torah, singing acheinu as well as others songs. The article made its rounds at that point. But the story of Levi continues to inspire. Last week Levi’s rebbe, Rabbi Chaim Bernstein, traveled to Eretz Yisroel. Rabbi Bernstein was going to help out the community of Ofakim, which he had raised funds for. He called Levi’s mother asking if there's anything he could bring or do for Levi. His mother said "Levi just wants to learn with you”. On Levi&rsqu...
Rosalynn Carter, former first lady and wife to President Jimmy Carter, has died. She was 96 years old. Carter was known for her work in her duties as first lady, as well as in the charitable work she participated in long after her husband left the Oval Office. She was active in various philanthropic causes, including mental illness, homelessness, and human rights. Born Eleanor Rosalynn Smith in Plains, Georgia, in 1927, Carter grew up in a small town, working with her mother to help out the family after her father died of cancer when she was 13 years old. Carter attended Georgia Southwestern College (now part of Georgia Southwestern State University). While in college, she began dating Jimmy Carter, who was home from the U.S. Naval Academy. Also from Plains, Jimmy Carter met Rosalynn lon...
The members of the War Cabinet were ordered to rush to an emergency meeting at the IDF Central Headquarters in Tel Aviv amid reports of the progression of a possible deal to free hostages from Hamas captivity. The meeting, which was supposed to begin at 9:00 p.m., was made earlier to 8:00 p.m. According to a report by Channel 12, an Israeli official confirmed that the meeting was scheduled for earlier because of a possible hostage deal. Earlier today, Deputy National Security Advisor of the United States Jonathan Finer told CNN that while the distance between the sides has gotten smaller, a deal has yet to be reached to bring back the hostages. The Washington Post reported on Saturday night that Israel, the US and Hamas have agreed to a tentative deal that would free dozens of...
Two verses from the Torah portion we read on Shabbat morning explain concisely our way of acting in the world and, by contrast, the way of our enemies.The first verse simply describes what the Palestinians do: “And all the wells that his father’s servants had dug in the days of Avraham his father — the Philistines stuffed them up and filled them with earth.”The Philistines stopped up with earth the wells that Avraham, Yitzchak’s father, had dug. It’s not just that our enemies don’t build or do anything positive for themselves; they destroy what we have built. They could have transformed Gaza into Singapore and instead chose to bring misery to themselves and horrible suffering to us. How symbolic is the image of a stuffed up well since this action d...
The names of three IDF soldiers who fell during the war with the Hamas terrorist organization were cleared for publication today (Sunday) after their families were notified. The fallen soldiers were identified as -First Sergeant Yakir Biton, a 34-year-old resident of Jerusalem, who served in the 8717th Battalion, 261st Brigade. -Sergeant Major Rani Tahan, a 40-year-old resident of Sde Nehemia, who served in the 8717th Battalion, 261st Brigade. -Major Chen Yahalom, a 35-year-old resident of Kfar Azar, who served in the 8159th Battalion of the Artillery Corps Biton and Tahan were killed in battle with Hamas terrorists in Gaza on Saturday. Yahalom was killed in a car accident while on his way back from Gaza. On Saturday night, the IDF announced the deaths of six...
IDF soldiers of the Paratroopers Brigade, together with the Armored Corps, Engineering Corps and the Israeli Air Force, operated in the Sheikh Ijlin and Rimal areas in order to identify and destroy Hamas infrastructure and assets. During the operations, the soldiers located approximately 35 tunnel shafts as well as a large number of weapons and eliminated terrorists. Additionally, the soldiers operated in a Hamas military base belonging to the terrorist organization’s military intelligence unit. During the operation, IDF soldiers located ammunition depots and seven rocket launchers. Embedded in the Rimal area are the residences of senior Hamas officials, who took control of the buildings in the area to conduct and direct terrorist activities. Military posts and Hamas infrastructure...
The IDF Spokesperson has responded to reports that an Israeli cargo ship was hijacked by Houthi rebels in the Red Sea. "The hijacking of a cargo ship by the Houthis near Yemen in the southern Red Sea is a very grave incident of global consequence. The ship departed Turkey on its way to India, staffed by civilians of various nationalities, not including Israelis. It is not an Israeli ship." the military stated.
The Saudi news station al-Hadath reported that Houthi rebels in Yemen had hijacked the "Israeli cargo ship" Galaxy Leader, which was sailing in the Arabian Gulf. According to the report, there were 22 crew members on board. No additional sources have confirmed the report. The Houthi military spokesman is promising a statement in the coming hours.
The IDF has cleared for publication that based on IDF and ISA intelligence, IDF troops exposed a 55-meter-long terror tunnel 10 meters deep underneath the Shifa Hospital complex. A deep staircase leads to the entrance of the tunnel shaft, which consists of various defense means, including a blast-proof door and a firing hole. This type of door is used by the Hamas terrorist organization to block Israeli forces from entering the command centers and the underground assets belonging to Hamas. The tunnel shaft was uncovered in the area of the hospital underneath a shed alongside a vehicle containing numerous weapons, including RPGs, explosives, and Kalashnikov rifles. IDF and ISA forces are continuing to uncover the route of the tunnel. "The findings clearly prove that numerous buildings i...
Baltimore, MD – Nov. 19, 2023 – Starting today, Suburban Orthodox Congregation Toras Chaim is beginning a new Mincha Minyan every Sunday at 12:30 PM.
When my son was a young boy, he would wipe off our kisses. As hard as that is for a parent, we tried to respect his boundaries, and hoped that he would grow out if. The years came and went, and we couldn’t kiss him, stroke him or show too much overt physical affection. He never said, “I love you.” But he did love us, and we didn’t need to hear the words to know how he felt. At some point in his early teens, I struck a deal with him. Each year, I would take my kids to the side on the eve of Yom Kippur, give them a special blessing, and tell them how proud I was of how they used the unique gifts with which each was bestowed. He reluctantly assented that at that time, once a year, I could give him a kiss. For years, I waited for that one special moment when I could ...
Jeruslem, Israel – Nov. 19, 2023 – While in Yerushalayim for the Mir Yeshiva’s annual Yarchei Kallah, Rabbi Moshe haKohein Rappaport made sure to take time out to give brachos to chayalei tzvah hagana l’Yisrael.
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