WASHINGTON (AP) — The State Department says FBI toxicology reports on the mysterious deaths of U.S. tourists in the Dominican Republic showed no evidence inconsistent with the island nation’s findings of natural causes. The department says “the results of the additional, extensive toxicology testing completed to date have been consistent with the findings of local authorities.” The department says that families have been informed of the results. The first deaths to make headlines were in May, when a couple seemingly died at the same time in the same hotel room. The Dominican Republic’s tourism minister said in June that the deaths were not part of any mysterious series of fatalities but were a statistically normal phenomenon being lumped together ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — The State Department has completed its internal investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of private email and found violations by 38 people, some of whom may face disciplinary action. The investigation, launched more than three years ago, determined that those 38 people were “culpable” in 91 cases of sending classified information that ended up in Clinton’s personal email, according to a letter sent to Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley this week and released Friday. The 38 are current and former State Department officials but were not identified. Although the report identified violations, it said investigators had found “no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified informati...
JERUSALEM (JNS) — In recent days, Israeli defense corporation Rafael made a dramatic announcement, stating that it delivered on time the first batch of Trophy Active Protection System to the U.S. Army. Trophy, a system that was first deployed by the Israel Defense Forces in 2011 and which has intercepted many threats fired at Israeli armored vehicles, will be eventually be installed on-board four American M1 main battle tank brigades, for both the U.S. Army and Marine Corps. The fact that the world’s most powerful military chose an Israeli active protection system to protect the lives of its tank crews is historic. In Israel, Trophy is installed onboard Mk3 and Mk4 Merkava tanks, and onboard the advanced Namer armored personnel vehicle. It has made many successful combat int...
Former chief justice of the Israeli Supreme Court Meir Shamgar passed away Friday at the age of 94. Shamgar is survived by his wife, Michal (née Rubinstein) and his three children. Shamgar was preceded in death by his first wife and the mother of his children, Geulah, who passed away in 1983. No time has yet been set for his funeral. Born in Danzig on August 13th, 1925 to Revisionist Zionist parents Eliezer and Dina Sterenberg, Shamgar moved to the British Mandate for Palestine in 1939, and later joined the Haganah’s Palmach force. Five years after his arrival in Mandatory Palestine, Shamgar was arrested by British police and deported to Eritrea, where he was detained along with Lehi leader Yitzhak Shamir, before returning to Israel after the establishment of the State in 1...
Ukraine's chief rabbi urged authorities Friday to quickly find and punish men who left a red-paint splattered effigy of Jewish tycoon Igor Kolomoisky on the steps of Kiev's main synagogue. Earlier this week, several men wearing fatigues and face masks left the life-size effigy of Kolomoisky, a powerful oligarch with links to President Volodymyr Zelensky. Video footage published by Ukraine's chief rabbi, Moshe Reuvan Azman, on Facebook shows the young men throwing Nazi salutes and pouring red paint on the effigy. Azman said the men had imitated Kolomoisky's murder, calling the stunt an "extremely dangerous incident" that had taken place during the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. He said police had opened a criminal case but stressed that the men should be found quickl...
Nachshon Wachsman's mother: 'Yitzhak Rabin left crying' Twenty-five years have passed since the kidnapping and murder of Sergeant Nachshon Wachsman, z'l, H'yd by terrorists. In an interview with Ma'ariv, Nachshon's mother Esther talks about that difficult period in her life. She told about the moment that the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin arrived at the family's home shortly before Nachshon's funeral. "Rabin said: 'I accept all responsibility.' He came on Saturday night, just before we buried Nachshon. My husband Yehudah requested that everyone leave the room including the IDF Chief of Staff at the time, Ehud Barak. My husband wanted to be alone in the room with Rabin." "He said to him: 'You are responsible, yo...
SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) — They call it the Cosmic Crisp. It’s not a video game, a superhero or the title of a Grateful Dead song. It’s a new variety of apple, coming to a grocery store near you Dec. 1 Cosmic Crisp is the first apple ever bred in Washington state, which grows the majority of the United States’ apples. It’s expected to be a game changer. Already, growers have planted 12 million Cosmic Crisp apple trees, a sign of confidence in the new variety. While only 450,000 40-pound (18-kilogram) boxes will be available for sale this year, that will jump to more than 2 million boxes in 2020 and more than 21 million by 2026. The apple variety was developed by Washington State University. Washington growers, who paid for the research, will have the exclusive ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — It wasn’t too long ago that Donald Trump derided presidential executive orders as “power grabs” and a “basic disaster.” He’s switched sides in a big way: In each year of his presidency, he has issued more executive orders than did former President Barack Obama during the same time span. He surpassed Obama’s third-year total just recently. Back in 2012, Trump had tweeted: “Why Is @BarackObama constantly issuing executive orders that are major power grabs of authority?” That criticism continued once he entered the presidential race. “The country wasn’t based on executive orders,” Trump said at a South Carolina campaign stop in February 2016. “Right now, Obama goes around signing executiv...
U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings will lie in state at the U.S. Capitol on Thursday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced. A formal ceremony will be held Thursday morning in the National Statuary Hall. The ceremony will be open to members of Congress, Cummings' family and invited guests. The memorial service will be followed by a public viewing. Details have yet to be announced. According to Cummings' obituary notice, there will also be a tribute at Morgan State University on Wednesday. There will be a public viewing for Cummings from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. Wednesday at the Murphy Fine Arts Center.  It will be followed by a community wide celebration from 6 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. at the theater. Cummings died early Thursday after suffering a series of health complications....
Sanofi is voluntarily recalling heartburn medication Zantac in the U.S. and Canada amid worries that the medicine may be tainted with a compound that could cause cancer. The French pharma company’s announcement follows decisions from major drugstore operators in the U.S., including Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc. and Walmart Inc., to pull the medication from store shelves. In addition, manufacturers have recalled some generic versions of Zantac products known as ranitidine. Due to inconsistencies in preliminary test results of the key ingredient used in the U.S. and Canadian products, Sanofi decided to carry out the recall in those countries as an investigation continues. The company said it’s working with health authorities to determine the level and extent of the recall. U.S...
75241014_106629920653767_5211071226863643040_n from BaltimoreJewishLife.com on Vimeo.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The impeachment investigation into President Donald Trump has thrust Washington into a political crisis. And Trump keeps adding to the chaos. In the four weeks since House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., launched the investigation, Trump has taken steps that have drawn more criticism, not less, repeatedly testing the loyalty of his stalwart Republican allies. His actions have both intensified the questions at the center of the inquiry and opened new areas of concern. Trump angered GOP leaders and U.S. allies by clearing the way for Turkish attacks on Syrian Kurdish fighters, key American partners in the fight against the Islamic State group. He brazenly announced plans to hold next year’s Group of Seven summit at one of his own Florida properties, prompting ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration is defending its get-tough approach to trade against widespread attacks from America’s trading partners while at the same time arguing that many countries must increase government spending to boost global growth. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said U.S. trade policies, which have included tariffs on billions of dollars of imports from China and other nations, are intended to improve the rules for global trade. “We are preparing a foundation for future growth through fairer trade deals,” Mnuchin said in remarks Saturday to the policy-setting committee of the International Monetary Fund. Mnuchin said negotiations last week between the United States and China, the world’s two biggest economies, had achieved “...
LONDON (AP) — Prime Minister Boris Johnson grudgingly asked the European Union late Saturday to delay Brexit after the British Parliament postponed a decision on whether to back his divorce deal. But the defiant Johnson also made clear that he personally opposed delaying the U.K.’s exit, scheduled for Oct. 31. A law passed by Parliament last month set a late-night deadline for the government to send a letter asking the EU for a three-month postponement if lawmakers had not approved an agreement with the bloc by Saturday. An hour before the deadline, European Council President Donald Tusk tweeted: “The extension request has just arrived. I will now start consulting EU leaders on how to react.” Johnson made clear he was making the request under duress. The lett...
NEW YORK (AP) — Storming past questions about his health, Bernie Sanders vowed that he’s “more ready than ever” to fight for a political revolution — with a little help from new friends — at a rally Saturday that drew thousands to a New York City park. The rally offered a pointed reminder to skeptics in both political parties that the 78-year-old democratic socialist is still very much a force in the 2020 presidential race. Sanders opened his remarks by apologizing that he secured a permit for only 20,000 people. His campaign, he said, was forced to close the gates on many more people who were trying to enter the Queens park just across the river from Manhattan. “To put it bluntly, I am back,” Sanders declared, sparking chants of, “Be...
Over 20,000 runners from 50 states and 17 foreign countries took part in the Baltimore Running Festival on Oct. 29. Runners woke up early on the chilly Saturday morning to run in their choice of five races, including a marathon, a half-marathon, a 5K, a team relay or the BaltiMORON-a-thon, in which runners complete the 5K and the half-marathon in one day! Runners of all ages came out to the race, even 93-year-old Bob Gralley, who ran in the half-marathon. Gralley told WBAL-TV 11 he has run in dozens of races! Overall Race Winners: Men's Marathon: Jeremy Ardanuy at 2:27:16 Women's Marathon: Natalie Atabek at 2:58:57 5K: Charlie Schindler at 15:48 Handcrank Marathon: Bruce Newman at 1:46:17 Half-marathon: To be announced.  Relay: To ...
TOWSON, Md. —Towson Town Center was evacuated Friday night due to a power outage and a fire in the food court, Baltimore County fire officials said. Officials said a small fire at a restaurant in the food court was extinguished; however, the mall was still evacuated. WBAL-TV 11 News reporter Barry Simms was at the mall and said the lights went out around 7:30 p.m. and then came back on around 8 p.m. Fire officials said the electrical issue was not related to the fire, and that numerous elevator rescues were performed by first responders. No injuries have been reported.
Listen: 7 Minutes with Rabbi Menachem Goldberger - Ushpizin Yitzchok Akeidetah
THE FOLLOWING IS VIA YWN Tragedy struck the New Square community after word spread of the Petira of a great-grandson of the Skverer Rebbe. Yosef Goldman Z”L, 8-years-old, was on a boat with his family on Haverstraw Bay Park, when it overturned for reasons unknown. All were rescued, but Yosef went missing. He was pulled from the water a short while later by a rescue boat and was rushed by Rockland Hatzolah to Nyack Hospital. He was Niftar around an hour later. Read more at YWN
Updated as of 3:35 PM - Unfortuantely, the 8-year-old child pulled from the water has been niftar.### Friday afternoon, an 8 year old orthodox boy has been pulled from the water in Haverstraw after the boat he was on capsized. He was transported to the hospital with CPR in progress. He had been boating with his family when the boat capsized, but despite his wearing a life jacket, he was reported missing. State police responded, and after a brief search located him, pulling him from the water. He was not breathing. YeshivaWorldNews reported that the child was rushed to Nyack Hospital by Hatzalah. Please say Tehillim for Yosef ben Perl.
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