Jerusalem - The Israeli military says it has fired a tank shell into Syria as a “warning shot” after the Syrian military conducted construction along their border. The military says Syria violated the 1974 cease-fire agreement on the Golan Heights Saturday by using heavy tools to fortify a military post in the demilitarized zone between the countries. In response, the military says it complained to the United Nations peacekeeper force station on the Golan and fired a tank shell as a warning. The incident comes as Israel has voiced concerned about the growing presence of Iran and its proxy Hezbollah in Syria as that country appears to be transitioning into a post-civil war reality, in which Israel says it will defend its interests.
Buenos Aires - Argentina’s Navy said Saturday it was ramping up the search for a submarine that hadn’t been heard from in three days, and at least six other nations said they would join in the effort. Navy spokesman Enrique Balbi said that the area being searched off the country’s southern Atlantic coast has been doubled as concerns about the 44 crew members grew. “We are not discounting any hypothesis,” Balbi said. Possibilities could include “a problem with communications” or with its power system, he said. Authorities last had contact with the German-built diesel-electric sub, the ARA San Juan, on Wednesday as it was on a voyage from the extreme southern port of Ushuaia to Mar del Plata. President Mauricio Macri said in a tweet that the coun...
British lawmakers and student leaders convened on Wednesday to discuss the prevalence of antisemitism at universities and strategize on ways to protect Jewish students on campus. Hosted by the All-Party Parliamentary Group Against Antisemitism and the Antisemitism Policy Trust, the session featured speakers including Labour MPs Angela Rayner and John Mann; Shakira Martin, president of the National Union of Students (NUS); and Liron Velleman, campaigns manager of the Union of Jewish Students. Testimonies shared at the event pointed to a diverse litany of abuse — from student officers using the hashtag #Jew in Twitter discussions on wealth to “violent” protestsdirected at students attending a pro-Israel event. “A number of campuses have Holocaust denial litera...
Hillary Clinton is mocking Fox News for “always talking” about her as if she’d won the presidency. The 2016 Democratic presidential candidate is joking in an interview with the online news outlet NowThis that she is officially resigning as the conservative news channel’s president of the United States. She says the outlet is “always talking about the Clinton administration,” despite the fact that she lost the election Donald Trump. Clinton says: “I want to take this opportunity, sitting here with you, to announce that I am resigning from the Fox News presidency. ” She adds: “I think that we should just leave that behind us and whoever they want to blame for anything, they’re going to have to find somebody else.”
Two leading Jewish campus groups at Rutgers University in New Jersey have expressed concern over the university’s continued employment of adjunct professor Mazen Adi — a former spokesperson for the Syrian regime who accused Israeli officials of trafficking children’s organs. As The Algemeiner first reported last week, Adi worked on behalf of Syria’s Foreign Ministry for 16 years, most recently as a diplomat at the United Nations in New York between 2007 and 2014 — defending Syria as it was accused of gassing, torturing, and starving its own citizens. He joined Rutgers’ Political Science Department in 2015, and will teach a class on international law this spring. The university told The Algemeiner last week that its fa...
JCCs officially launch global partnership at JCC Global World Conference, Nov. 8, Tarrytown, NY TARRYTOWN, N.Y., Nov. 10 – Jewish Community Centers in Baltimore; Ashkelon, Israel; and Odessa, Ukraine, will partner for the first time as part of the JCC Global’s Amitim 2.0-Fellows: A Global Leadership Network program. The JCCs officially launched the partnership yesterday at the JCC Global World Conference, Nov. 5-9, in Tarrytown. The Amitim 2.0-Fellows is a three-year Global Leadership Network program that brings Jewish Peoplehood concepts and programs to the next generation of JCCs worldwide and expands the global network of Jewish leaders and JCCs. As part of the program, leaders of the JCC of Greater Baltimore; the JCC in Ashkelon, Israel; and the Beit Grand JCC in Odessa,...
Baltimore police Commissioner Kevin Davis said police believe the gunman who killed Detective Sean Suiter is still in Baltimore. "We don't think he jumped on a plane and went to France," Davis said on Friday. Davis reiterated earlier statements on keeping an eye out for people nursing unexplained injuries, and offered no new identifying information on the suspect, only known as a black male. "We're always one tip away, we're one moment away from breaking this case wide open," Davis said. "I know that our community is just as upset about this case as we are." Overnight, officials announced the reward for  reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction has increased to $215,000, up from $190,000 on Friday. Tips may be phoned into police homicide detectives...
The National Archives on Friday released 10,744 FBI records — some that have never been previously disclosed — related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. It’s the fifth release of Kennedy assassination records so far this year. The National Archives said 8,336 documents are being released in their entirety and 2,408 are released with limited redactions. A total of 144 records are being released for the first time. Most of the collection comprising about 5 million pages of records has been released to the public, but some documents have been withheld over the years to protect individuals, intelligence sources and methods and national security. The latest documents are being released according to a law that President George H.W. Bush signed...
The organizer of the violent white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, has lost his verified status on Twitter, along with several other prominent white nationalists and far-right conservatives. News outlets report Unite The Right organizer Jason Kessler on Wednesday lost the blue check mark that was bestowed upon him last month, a move that elicited backlash against the social media site from those who saw verification as an endorsement of Kessler’s values or noteworthiness. Twitter said in a series of tweets that it eliminated the verification status of accounts in violation of new guidelines , which include those that promote discrimination-based hate or violence. Kessler, who has previously used Twitter to say Heather Heyer’s death at the August rally &...
After more than a decade of making cars and SUVs — and, more recently, solar panels — Tesla Inc. wants to electrify a new type of vehicle: big trucks. The company unveiled its new electric semitractor-trailer Thursday night near its design center in Hawthorne, California. CEO Elon Musk said the semi is capable of traveling 500 miles (804 kilometers) on an electric charge — even with a full 80,000-pound (36,287-kilogram) load — and will cost less than a diesel semi considering fuel savings, lower maintenance and other factors. Musk said customers can put down a $5,000 deposit for the semi now and production will begin in 2019. “We’re confident that this is a product that’s better in every way from a feature standpoint,” Musk told a cr...
A beehive-like structure built deep underground in Jerusalem is providing an innovative solution for the holy city’s chronic shortage of burial space for the dead. Tunnels stretching more than a kilometer (half mile) in length beneath Jerusalem’s main cemetery have been carefully excavated over the past two years to make room for some 22,000 graves — enough space to meet the city’s needs for the next decade. A 50-meter (55-yard) elevator shaft will connect the world above with the world below. “We came up with this idea to provide a solution under the cemetery with burial structures, but also hidden from the eye,” said Arik Glazer, chief executive of Rolzur Tunneling. “There is not enough land and we take advantage of this.” Glazer ...
A Charedi man from Israel was injured on Shabbos morning in a hit-and-run accident in London, England. The man, who was visiting London collecting Tzedaka, was hit by a passing truck that fled the scene following the accident. The Shomrim organization of Stamford Hill reported the incident after Shabbat on their Twitter feed. According to the report, the accident occurred at Clapton Common, a central intersection in the neighborhood just after 11:30 in the morning when people were getting out of shul. The man was seriously injured and lost consciousness. He thankfully regained consciousness in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Searches are undergoing to find the driver of the truck who hit the man. London police have stated that the intersection where the accident occu...
Health Minister Yaakov Litzman spoke to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Friday and told him that he would resign from the government if Jews continued to work on the Light-Rail in Tel Aviv on Shabbos. At the end of the conversation the two reached an agreement that the work would be done by non-Jews only.Testimonials from the field have arisen that Jews did indeed perform work on the construction this past Shabbos. Now the government waits to see if Litzman will make god on his threat and resign his Ministerial and Cabinet position. The reports of Jews working on the Light-Rail came from Haaretz reporter Almog Ben Bichri who tweeted evidence of the work being done by Jews. The reporter added to his tweet the following text: It is said that governments fall over small details. While t...
Yitzchak Rabin’s convicted murderer, Yigal Amir, is making legal preparations to request a retrial from the court, 22 years after he was accused and convicted of murdering Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin and was sentenced to life-imprisonment. Amir’s wife, Larisa Amir Trembovler, updated the Israeli press about the dramatic decision to request the re-trial. “I want to inform you all that in the coming days we will be instating a special task force for the defense of and request of a retrial for Yigal Amir. This decision was made with Amir’s consent after we discussed the matter with him.” In Larisa’s message tot he media she also said: “All of the press related issues surrounding the retrial will be handled by a media group in Switzerland. We...
The Palestinians threatened on Saturday to suspend all communication with the United States if the Trump administration follows through with plans to close their diplomatic office in Washington. The potential rupture in relations threatens to undermine President Donald Trump’s bid for Mideast peace — a mission he has handed his son-in-law, Jared Kushner. Senior Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said the U.S. decision was “very unfortunate and unacceptable,” and accused Washington of bowing to pressure from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government “at a time when we are trying to cooperate to achieve the ultimate deal.” In a video statement on social media, Erekat said: “We will put on hold all our communications with th...
It has been reported that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will once again be questioned by police with regards to his involvement in what is known as the “1000 file”. Police are attempting to determine whether or not Netanyahu is guilty of corruption with regards to the case. Police agents handling the investigation are expected to present to Netanyahu evidence that they have gathered from other businessmen during the investigation. They will also be presenting him with their suspicions that he accepted a bribe during his dealings with them. Police will be presenting Netanyahu with finding from their investigations of famed Hollywood producer Arnon Milchan, Milchan’s aide Hadas Klein, and Netanyahu’s former Chief of Staff Ari Harrow, who recently turned St...
Please be Mispallel for the Vishnitzer Rebbe of Monsey, who was placed on a respirator on Shabbos afternoon. As reported on Friday, the Rebbe was not been feeling well the past few days, and was complaining of general weakness. He was taken to Good Samaratain Hospital near Monsey on Thursday morning, and transferred to Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan on Thursday night. Sources say that on Friday night and Shabbos morning the Rebbe was feeling better and was stable. Unfortunately, on Shabbos afternoon the situation worsened and the Rebbe was placed on a respirator. The Rebbe, Hagaon HaRav Mordechai Hager Shlita, is the elder of the admorim today. The Rebbe, who is around 95-years-old, is known for his devotion to learning Torah: He learns around 18 hours a day and asks his Chasidim to...
Baltimore, MD - Nov. 17, 2017 - On Sunday, November 5th, Pirchei Agudah Israel of Baltimore hosted its annual banquet, honoring boys ages 6-11 for participating succcesfully in a  learning program that took place over the past Succos holiday.  To be invited to the dinner, one needed to learn a certain amount of time (depending on one’s age) each day of the vacation.  The program started with a welcome from Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz, Pirchei Director, followed by words of encouragement from HaRav Moshe Heinemann, Shlita, (Rav, Agudas Yisrael of Baltimore). Singing and dancing followed to the sensational music of Mr. Ben Zion Weiss.  The evening’s highlight came with the storyteller, Rabbi Yoel Ferber, of Lakewood, NJ. He travelled in to inspire and entertain t...
Baltimore, MD - Nov. 17, 2017: Dear Community Members, The Pikesville Precinct has recently experienced several thefts of vehicles in our area. These vehicles were left running, unattended, keys in the ignition, and the doors unlocked in front of the victim’s residence. Please do not leave your vehicle running and unattended.  If you must warm up your vehicle, please ensure that you comply with current Maryland laws.  Click here for more information regarding the laws addressing this issue. Please be vigilant of suspicious subjects or vehicles roaming and traveling through your neighborhoods. If you notice suspicious activity, safely get a good description of the subjects and contact 911. We do offer Free Home Security Surveys where an officer will respond to your home a...
Baltimore, MD -  This Shabbos, November 18th - Parshas Toldos Yeshivas Ner Yisroel will hold its annual citywide  Shabbos of Chizuk. Rebbeim and chavrei hahanhala will spend Shabbos in various Baltimore shuls and neighborhoods, where they will share words of Torah and chizuk with alumni and friends. for schedule click here
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