Jerusalem, Israel - Oct. 26, 2024  - Israel moved its clocks back one hour at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday morning, making it 1:00 a.m. and ending the country's Daylight Saving Time for 2024. Standard Time will be in effect in Israel until March 28, 2025, when Israelis will move their clocks forward again. On most cell phones, switching clocks is done automatically. If your device has not switched from Daylight Saving Time, you will need to switch it manually, as follows: In the Settings menu, click on "Date & Time" and turn off the automatic date and time option. The transition from Daylight Saving Time to Standard Time is designed to adjust the daylight hours to the short winter days, so that sunrise will be earlier, but sunset will also take place in the late afternoon. This mea...
Baltimore, MD – Oct. 26, 2024 -  BJL wishes a hearty Mazel Tov to Chaim and Pnina Rothenberg on the birth of a daughter. יה"ר שיזכו לגדל בתם לתורה, לחופה, ולמעשים טובים. אמן!
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Baltimore, MD – Oct. 21, 2024  - It is with regret and profound sorrow that Baltimore Jewish Life  (BJL) informs the community of the petira of  Rabbi Yehuda Leib Newmark, z’l, husband of Marla Newmark, father of M’nucha (Ari) Bialik, Ali (Josh) Adler, Chaim Newmark, A”H, Batya (Noach) Burr, Tova (Shai) Scherer, Chana (Doniel) Tisser, Izy (Leah) Newmark, Yonah (Miriam) Newmark, Binyomin (Hindy) Newmark, Simcha (Miri) Newmark, Shimmy (Shoshana) Newmark and brother of Frances Agress.Shiva will be observed through Thursday morning, Oct.31 at 3400 Seven Mile Lane, Baltimore, MD, 21208:Maariv Motzei Shabbos - 7:05PMStarting Sunday morning:Shacharis - 7:30AMMincha - 1:30PMMaariv - 9:00PMPMShiva visiting times: 7:30AM - 12:00 Noon; 1:00PM - 5:00PM; and ...
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Baltimore, MD – Oct. 21, 2024  - It is with regret that Baltimore Jewish Life  (BJL) informs the community of the petira of Mr. Eli Schuck, z’l, father of  Mr. Moshe (Sora Rochel) Schuck and Mrs. Yael (Tzvi) Weiser (sitting in Israel) and brother of Yaffa Eisner (sitting in  Brooklyn)  Shiva will begin Motzaei Shabbos and be observed through Thursday morning, Oct. 31 at 6226 Berkeley Avenue, Baltimore, MD, 21209 Minyanim:Maariv Motzaei Shabbos: 6:55PMShacharis: Sunday 8:00 AM; Monday-Thursday 7:00 AMMincha/Maariv: 5:55 PM Bila HaMaves LaNetzach…
Baltimore, MD – Oct. 26, 2024  - BJL wishes a hearty Mazel Tov Yoni & Leah Levine on the birth of a son. Mazel Tov grandparents Rabbi & and Mrs. Yitzchok Levine (Kew Gardens, New York) and Mr. & Mrs. Zimmerman  (Cincinnati, Ohio)   יה"ר שיזכו לגדל בנם לתורה, לחופה, ולמעשים טובים. אמן!
Two Iranian officials told The New York Times that among Iran's S-300 air defense system, located at the Imam Khomeini International Airport in Tehran and intended to protect Tehran, was among the approximately 20 sites struck in Israel's retaliatory attack Friday night. One of the officials is a member of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps. According to the sources, at least three Revolutionary Guards bases were struck in Tehran, and the "secret" military base in Parchin was struck by one drone; two others were shot down. An Israeli official confirmed to the Wall Street Journal that the S-300s were targeted, adding, "The message is that we don’t want an escalation, but if Iran decides to escalate and attack Israel again," the removal of...
Israeli officials aren’t speaking much about the airstrikes in Iran on early Saturday morning, but that shouldn’t detract from the significance of the operation. It seems to have gone off exactly as planned, with no losses on the Israeli side. That in and of itself is a major accomplishment. The risks inherent in operations 1,600 kilometers from Israeli airspace are daunting. A minor complication can turn into a life-and-death challenge. The strikes were planned with the assumption that the fighter jets would be able to refuel near Iran. But if a small component in the refuel system malfunctions, or a plane’s engine fails, a pilot would face a dangerous landing in likely enemy territory. Almost all the support and emergency capabilities the Israeli Air Force ...
Baltimore, MD - Oct. 26, 2024 - The owner and manager of the cargo ship that caused the Baltimore bridge collapse have agreed to pay more than $100 million to settle a lawsuit brought by the Justice Department, officials said Thursday. The settlement comes a month after the Justice Department sued Dali owner Grace Ocean Private Ltd. and manager Synergy Marine Group, both of Singapore, seeking to recover more than $100 million that the government spent to clear the underwater debris and reopen the city’s port, which was closed for months. The settlement does not include any damages for rebuilding the bridge, officials said in a news release announcing the agreement. The construction project could cost close to $2 billion. The state of Maryland filed its own claim see...
Baltimore, MD – Oct. 26, 2024  - It is with regret that Baltimore Jewish Life  (BJL) informs the community of the petira of  Mrs. Leah Jacob Garrick, a''h, siste of Jack Jacob. Shiva will be observed beginning tomorrow morning through Thursday morning at 6122 Stuart Ave. Minyanim: Shacharis: 8:30 am Mincha/Maariv: 5:50 pm Shiva visiting hours: 8:30am-12:00pm and 4:00pm-8:00pm Bila HaMaves LaNetzach…
The Israel Air Force struck a dozen targets in Iran that were used to produce solid fuel for long-range ballistic missiles as part of its retaliatory military action against the Islamic Republic, severely harming Tehran's ability to replenish its inventory, Israeli media reported on Saturday night. The targets struck were sophisticated equipment that Iran could not produce on its own and had to be purchased from China, Walla reported. The targets were a critical component of Iran's ballistic missile program, Walla cited three anonymous Israeli sources as saying. Israeli sources also stated that four S-300 air defense batteries were attacked that were in strategic locations that protected nuclear and energy facilities in Tehran during the operation. A fa...
Baltimore, MD - Oct. 23, 2024 - Photos of Baltimore’s Ziditchover Rebbe, HaRav Yissachar Dov Eichenstein, throughout Yom Tov
Bereishis contains many firsts.  For that matter it really contains all firsts.  Central however to all the firsts is the existence of Shabbos.  The Torah tells us “Hashem blessed the seventh day and made it holy because on that day he abstained from all work which he had created to do”.   (Bereishis, 2:3) Interestingly, Shabbos observance is not given as a Mitzvah at that time.  I am unaware of any commentaries or Midrashic sources which indicate that Adam Harishon was commanded to or kept Shabbos.  Moreover, Hashem chose not to include Shabbos observance in the Sheva Mitzvos B’nei Noach.  There are Mepharshim and Gemaras which discuss Avraham Avinu wanting to keep Shabbos but unsure if he was permitted to – If he was a goy, ...
Occasionally, when learning Torah, we come face to face with historical facts which may be at odds with the scientific perception or agenda of the day.  Parshas Bereishis contains perhaps a thousand of those possibilities, in the first Aliya alone.  Today, where evolution and the Big Bang are no longer advanced as theories, but rather taught as scientific facts, we must be very deliberate in how we explain these apparent inconsistencies to our children.  Several very dedicated and talented Mechanchim that my children have had, have dealt with this issue with different approaches and styles.  One approach has simply been to say “science is wrong”.  Indeed, history is full of many examples of scientific impossibilities becoming reality.  Whether it ...
Jerusalem, Israel - Oct. 23, 2024  - Baltimore’s Dr. Michael Elman Shares Hallel in the Sukkah at the Churva Shul, during the Hoshana Rabbah Netz Minyan
Baltimore, MD - Oct. 23, 2024  - Erev Yom Tov Reminders and Safety Tips Eruv Tavshilin: Remember to make an Eruv Tavshilin today. Halachos of Eruv Tavshilin written by Rabbi Shalom Aryeh Greenfield, reviewed by HaRav Moshe Heinemann, shlita. Trash Collection: If you have trash pickup on Yom Tov, move your cans to the curb before Yom Tov. They cannot be moved once Yom Tov starts. Carbon Monoxide Safety: Ensure proper ventilation when using gas stoves over Yom Tov. Leave a window open or use an exhaust fan to prevent carbon monoxide buildup from burning gas, prioritizing family safety.
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