David Rubenstein, the Jewish co-founder and co-chairman of the Carlyle Group and owner of the Baltimore Orioles, has committed to donate $1.5 million to the Jewish Museum of Maryland, the cultural institution, which is part of the Baltimore Jewish Federation, announced on Thursday. “Happy to support the Jewish Museum of Maryland,” Rubenstein wrote on social media. “Through modern and compelling exhibits, more people will learn from and be inspired by Maryland’s Jewish history.” The museum stated that the new David M. Rubenstein Exhibition Arcade will form “the epicenter of the museum’s front of house, a central public space that branches out into galleries, an audio/video production studio and a library.” The gift “will ens...
Baltimore, MD - Sept. 16, 2024  - If you or someone you know is unable to attend shul to hear the shofar, please email BaltimoreShofar+Shomea@gmail.com with your name, phone number, and address. Additionally, if you are available to blow shofar for someone who cannot make it to shul, please email BaltimoreShofar+Tokea@gmail.com with your name, address, and area of availability. This initiative is dedicated in loving memory of HaRav Moshe Shlomo ben Yosef Eliezer Juravel, zt'l, who worked tirelessly to ensure the shofar was heard by all those in need.
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Jerusalem, Israel - Sept. 10, 2024 - Jerusalem's real estate market is known for being competitive, with prices often out of reach for many who dream of living in the city. However, a new opportunity is emerging in Katamonim —one of Jerusalem’s oldest neighborhoods— that promises to offer spacious, high-standard apartments within a warm community, and at significantly lower prices than other American neighborhoods in the city.  The project, spearheaded by the Berger Group and marketed by brothers Meir and Chanan Sand, represents a unique approach to community living in Jerusalem. "We wanted to create a community where people can live near their friends and family, enjoy all the amenities they need, and still pay much less than other areas in the city," says M...
Baltimore, MD – Sept. 16, 2024 - As missionaries continue to visit homes in our community,  today in Dumbarton as well as other neighborhoods, please be advised of this and share this information with members of your household.
Baltimore, Md - Sept. 16, 2024  - Baltimore City has settled another opioid lawsuit and this time it's with Johnson & Johnson. The details of the settlement weren't disclosed. This news comes a week after the city settled with the Walgreens Pharamacy and Teva Pharmaceuticals. Teva will pay the city $80 million and the full terms of the Walgreens agreement will be made public on October 3. The city will put $5 million of the funds toward promoting the "988" suicide/crisis hotline, $3 million toward the Penn North Recovery Center, and $2 million toward BMore Power, as agreed on in the settlement. Teva will make an initial payment of $35 million by the end of the year, and the rest by July 1, 2025. Baltimore sued "Big Pharma" - multiple major manufacturers a...
Baltimore, MD - Sept. 15, 2024  - When close to 70 almanas (widows) of all ages, stages, and backgrounds get together to share a weekend, you would think the mood would be sad or morose. On the contrary, this past Labor Day weekend, August 30-September 1, the atmosphere was uplifting, upbeat, and inspiring at the Third Annual Nismach Labor Day Weekend Shabbaton. The Shabbaton is the highlight of the year for the members of Nismach, a group formed for Orthodox Jewish widows in 2016 by Stephanie Savir-Perlman of Silver Spring. Its activities are patterned after those of Samchainu, the New York-based international support community for presently 2700+ almanas. In 2019, Nismach expanded to include widows from Baltimore. The group is sponsored by Yad Yehuda of Greater Washington.  ...
Baltimore, MD – Sept.16, 2024  -  BJL wishes a hearty Mazel Tov to Dovid and Meira Berendt on the birth of a son. Mazel Tov to grandparents Yaakov & Kim Berendt, Lev Avraham & Rachel Rosenstock and Aharon and Rena Levi. יה"ר שיזכו לגדל בנם לתורה, לחופה, ולמעשים טובים. אמן!
Unknown vandals have been defacing siddurim, Jewish prayer books, at the Western Wall in recent months. Over the last week, the vandals have written messages calling for the destruction of the State of Israel, Ynet reported. One message read, "The land of Israel is holy, the people of Israel are holy, the State of Israel must be erased." Another stated, "The Devil's state will be erased for eternity." At least dozens of prayer books have been subject to similar vandalism, as well as the tearing out of pages such as those containing the prayers for the wellfare of the State of Israel and the soldiers of the IDF. Rabbi Levi Nahum, the leader of the Libyan Jewish community in Jerusalem, said that a large number of the 70 siddurim he brought to the Western Wall for public use...
Baltimore, MD – Sept. 16, 2024 – 9:26AM - Marnat Road, between Szold and Sanzo/Clarks Lane, is closed to continuing road work
Baltimore, MD – Sept. 16, 2024 – 6:48 AM – Approximately 20 minutes ago, an armed robbery took place in front of Shomrei Emunah on Greenspring Avenue. Three suspects, wearing black masks and armed with guns, fled the scene in a dark-colored vehicle.
Baltimore, MD – Sept. 15, 2024 - This evening before Mincha, HaRav Yeruchum Olshin, Shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of Beis Medrash Govoha, Lakewood, gave Divrei Chizuk to Kehillas Derech Chaim, under the leadership of HaRav Pinchas Gross, Shlit”a. The  Rosh HaYeshiva also gave a shiur and divrei brocho at the Shas Yidden Shiur house on Smith Ave. to R’ Meir Borenstein’s Daf Yomi-Chabura Shas Yidden of Baltimore lichvod the Yomim Noraim
Baltimore, MD - Sept. 15, 2024 - Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva HaRav Yerucham Olshin, shlita, in conversation with the Zidichover Rebbe of Baltimore, shlita, and Mr. Howard Tzvi Friedman at this evening's Adirei HaTorah parlor meeting in Beazer.
Germany’s federal government continues to ignore Israeli requests to purchase weapons, according to a Sunday report in the mass circulation daily Bild. The paper wrote that “However, sales of heavy weapons systems to the Emirate of Qatar – one of the most important supporters of the terrorist group Hamas – were approved.” According to Bild, “Last year, the Israeli government had already requested the purchase of several thousand pieces of ammunition for its main battle tanks, and there were further requests for other types of armament.” The Bild journalist Björn Stritzel, who authored the report and  has solid contacts with security sources in Germany, wrote, “For the Jewish state, which is currently...
United Hatzalah volunteer EMTs, Yanki Weinberg, Moishe Paskesz, and Yosef Gabai, reported from the scene: "We provided initial medical assistance at the scene to a police officer who was lightly wounded. He was then evacuated to the hospital in a United Hatzalah ambulance. Police and security forces operated at the scene." Police forces closed the Damascus Gate and entry to the Old City at the scene of the attack. The investigation at the scene has commenced and the terrorist's identity and motive is being looked into. The police stated: "A short time ago, a report was received regarding the stabbing of a Border Police officer near the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem. The terrorist, who attempted to flee into the Old City was neutralized by other Border Police officers. The officer who wa...
Former President Trump’s campaign said Sunday the GOP presidential candidate is “safe” after “gunshots in his vicinity.” “President Trump is safe following gunshots in his vicinity. No further details at this time,” Trump communications director Steven Cheung said in a statement. The statement did not provide any further information.
Baltimore, MD - Sept. 15, 2024  - With a significant increase in traffic fatalities, Governor Wes Moore announced $13.3 million in federal safety grants for Maryland, according to The Office of the Governor. This grant aims to enhance efforts to prevent motor vehicle crashes and reduce roadway fatalities. The funds will be distributed through 87 agencies, organizations, and programs starting October 1, as stated by The Office of the Governor. “There is no higher priority for any governor than keeping their people safe. Today, we take another significant step forward in our enduring mission to prevent crashes and keep Marylanders protected on the road. In collaboration with our federal partners, we are making Maryland safer for all,” said Gov. Moore. According to the re...
The government is expected Sunday to approve recommendations of a committee established by Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, and chaired by Professor Aviad Hacohen, a legal expert – for 1 billion shekels ($270,000) for those most affected by the war with Hamas. In recent months, the committee discussed ways to assist those affected by slaughter on October 7, but who have not received a satisfactory response by the government thus far. The committee's conclusions, which are expected to be adopted in a few hours by the government, will provide compensation to populations that were not defined as victims of hostile actions. These included bereaved families, families of kidnapped individuals, siblings and children of former prisoners, and residents of Ofakim in southern Israel. O...
Baltimore, MD - Sept. 15, 2024  - The harvest moon — the full moon nearest the autumnal equinox — always has a reputation as a stunner, but as the second of four consecutive supermoons, it will appear especially big and bright on Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 17-18, weather permitting in Maryland. On the 18th, when the moon still looks big and bright, a partial lunar eclipse will be visible in the Americas, Europe and Asia. The eclipse is in the evening hours for U.S. observers (while the Moon is rising for the West Coast). In some areas, viewers will see a little bite taken out of one side of the moon over about an hour, according to NASA. Here’s what we’ll see in Maryland. Expect moon rise at 7:34 p.m. ET. The partial lunar eclipse will be visible from...
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke on Sunday at the opening of the government meeting about the missile fired from Yemen at Israel in the morning, and touched on the situation in the north. "The current situation will not continue," Netanyahu said. "We will do everything necessary to safely return our residents to their homes." Regarding the Houthis in Yemen, Netanyahu said that "they should have already known that we exact a heavy price for any attempt to harm us." "Anyone who needs a reminder is welcome to visit the port of Hodeidah," Netanyahu said, referring to the extensive Israeli attack against Houthi terror targets in Yemen about two months ago. The Iran-backed Houthi spokesman Yahya Saree earlier hailed a "new hypersonic ballistic missile" as a success, even though it app...
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