About 17 years ago, we prepared to bid farewell to our eldest son, Avi, as he departed for his post-high school year in Israel. Little did we know that this gap year would turn into a life in the Holy Land. I have to confess that I was warned: “You spent three years in Israel after high school,” he cleverly argued, “so I get at least three years!” Negotiations were unnecessary. My wife and I were happy to let him stay as long as he liked, and we’re even more elated that he and his family have made their lives here.  These were the days before phones had decent cameras, so as the date of his departure drew closer, I asked a photographer friend to come to the house and take a family photo shoot.  With a wry smile on his face, Avi said:...
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Baltimore, MD – June 30, 2024  - It is with regret that Baltimore Jewish Life (BJL) informs the community of the  petira of the Zidichover Rebbe of Chicago, Moreinu Harav Yehoshua Heschel Eichenstein, z’l, father of HaRav Yissocher Dov EichensteinLevaya will leave to Har HaZeisim from outside Boyan - Malchei Yisroel 44 - at 9:30am on Tuesday morning. Rav Yissocher Dov Eichenstein will be sitting Shiva between 1-8pm on Tuesday afternoon in Jerusalem Estates at the Schneller complex - 32 Malchei Yisroel. The building they are sitting in is known as רחוב המטבע היהודי 3, Floor 7.Bila HaMaves LaNetzach…
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Baltimore, MD – June 30, 2024  - It is with deep regret and sorrow that Baltimore Jewish Life (BJL) informs the community of the sudden and tragic petira of Adina (Aryeh) Zahavi, a’h, mother of nine, daughter of Barry & Susie Openden and sister of Yossi (Yona) Openden and Dahlia (Daniel) Steinherz. https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/392314Adina and her husband Aryeh heroically saved all of their children from a fire that broke out in their home in the middle of the night.  One of the children is still in the hospital with burns. Please keep  מיכאל בן עדינה בתשבע in your teffilos. The Levayah will take place at 10:15AM (Israel) (3:15AM Baltimore)  on Monday, July 1, 2024 at Beit Kneset Ashkenazi -Kochav YaakovShiva will be o...
US President Joe Biden on Monday ripped the Supreme Court’s decision on presidential immunity, which ruled that presidents have an absolute immunity from prosecution for core official acts, calling it "a dark day in America.". In a speech from the White House, Biden issued a stern warning over a possible second term for former President Donald Trump. “There are no kings in America. Each, each of us is equal before the law. No one, no one is above the law, not even the president of the United States,” he said. “(With) today’s Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity, that fundamentally changed. For all practical purposes, there are virtually no limits on what the president can do. It’s a fundamentally new principle and it’s a d...
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Baltimore, MD – June 26, 2024  - It is with regret that Baltimore Jewish Life (BJL) informs the community of the petira of Dorothy Urszuy, a’h, mother of Ruth (David, z'l) Carlin, Bonnie (Herb) Ayala, Sandy (Dov, z'l) Klein, Aaron (Devorah) Urszuy, and Pinchas (Raizel) Urszuy and sister of Keve (Tina) Zians, and Sam (Sandy) ZiansShiva will be observed through Wednesday, July 3, at 6304 Wallis Ave, Baltimore, MD, 21215Shiva Visiting Hours Friday from 8:00 a.m. until around 5:00 p.m,  Motzei Shabbos 10:00 p.m. to midnight, Sunday through Tuesday 8:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m Minyanim:Mincha Erev Shabbos - 3:00PMMaariv Motzaei Shabbos: 9:30PM Shacharis: 7:00AM Mincha/Maariv: 8:20PM Bila HaMaves LaNetzach…
President Biden’s campaign is intensely trying to quell speculation that he may drop out of the 2024 race following his lackluster debate performance last week.  Most top Democrats have voiced support for Biden continuing in the race, while members of his family, including first lady Jill Biden, have declared they also want him to remain a candidate, casting doubt on the potential for replacing Biden.  But if Biden were to step aside, several prominent Democrats could be waiting in the wings as possible successors. Here are the top possible Biden replacements:  Kamala Harris  If Biden were to decide against seeking reelection, Vice President Harris would be the most obvious choice to replace him. Harris h...
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today, at the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem, met with Israel National Defense College cadets and briefed them on the combat in the Gaza Strip, Israeli policy and activity in all sectors, especially the northern sector, and the overall security challenges facing Israel, first and foremost Iran. The Prime Minister described the significant achievements of the security forces, particularly the IDF, in all sectors, but especially in the Gaza Strip. He encouraged the cadets to continue their determined efforts for the security of the State of Israel ahead of their integration into key positions in the security establishment. Prime Minister Netanyahu said to the cadets: "I returned yesterday from a visit to the Gaza Division. I saw very considerab...
Baltimore, MD - July 1, 2024 - Summer Free Food for ALL Children 18 and under USDA SFSP Every Tuesday. Convenient Location.marylandfreefood.com 
Jerusalem, Israel - July 1, 2024  - The Menachem Begin Heritage Center in Jerusalem, Israel hosted a special memorial tribute event to Senator Joe Lieberman z"l on Monday night, July 1, 2024, moderated by Paul Gross, Senior Fellow at the Begin Center. With the passing of Senator Joseph Lieberman z'L four months ago, the Jewish world lost one of its most important American politicians. Lieberman was a U.S. Senator for 24 years and the first Jew nominated to a major party as Vice-President in 2000, with Democratic Presidential nominee Al Gore.  He was an outspoken supporter of the State of Israel, the US-Israel relationship, and liberal democratic values. With friends across the political spectrum, he was respected for his generosity, decency, and belief in putting...
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) announced Monday that she will soon file impeachment articles against at least one justice on the Supreme Court in the wake of their decision to grant partial immunity to former President Trump as he faces felony charges for his efforts to overturn the 2020 election results.  Ocasio-Cortez, a prominent liberal on the House Oversight Committee, said the ruling belies a central premise of America’s constitutional design — namely, that no one is above the law — and threatens to put the country on a path to tyranny.  “Today’s ruling represents an assault on American democracy. It is up to Congress to defend our nation from this authoritarian capture,” she wrote on the social pla...
Baltimore, MD - July 1, 2024  - Public Service Announcement: Ohel Moshe (Rabbi Zvi Teichman) has relocated just across the street to the former Millers space, next door to Rite Aid. As their expansion project is b'H, well underway, the Shul has fully relocated all minyanim, shiurim, and programs to this temporary space at 2849 Smith Ave.  
July 1st marked a new month and new fees are hitting Marylanders. The cost to register a car in the Old Line state increased by as much as 60-70% and it was just one of many new fees. On a Monday edition of Fox45 Morning News, former Maryland Governor and current U.S. Senate candidate Larry Hogan spoke with Patrice Sanders about Maryland's economic outlook. Hogan left the governor's office with the state at a more than $5 million surplus. Right now he says Maryland is in rough economic shape. "The economy is really tough right now," Hogan said. "Maryland families and retirees are struggling to try to pay the bills because everything is more expensive." Hogan's successor and current Maryland Governor Wes Moore has said he had to rein in spending in the current budget that ...
Steve Bannon reported to prison Monday to start a four-month sentence over his contempt of Congress charges. The Bureau of Prisons said that Bannon was officially in custody. “I am a political prisoner,” Bannon said at a news conference before entering the federal prison in Danbury, Conn. The Supreme Court rejected Bannon’s emergency appeal last week to delay his prison sentence, upholding Monday’s deadline for the onetime adviser of former President Trump to report to prison. He was convicted on two counts of contempt of Congress in 2022 for defying a subpoena from the House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. He was allowed by a federal judge to delay his sentence for about two years as he appealed the case...
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this evening ordered the convening of a team that will examine the status and identity of prisoners from Gaza before they are released and determine if their releases can proceed following the controversial release of the director of the al-Shifa Hospital. The Prime Minister's office said that "the release of the director of the Shifa Hospital is a serious mistake and a moral failure. This man, under whose auspices our hostages were held and murdered, belongs in prison." In addition, the Prime Minister's Office claimed that "already this morning, the Prime Minister ordered a thorough investigation into how this happened." The head of the Shin Bet is expected to present the conclusions of the investigation to Netanyahu in the coming d...
Last week’s headlines featured a violent attack against a synagogue in LA, with strong condemnations issued by the mayor, the governor, and even President Biden. Gidon Katz, CEO of IMP (International Marketing & Promotion), provided me with a different perspective on the story. Katz, together with his partner Emanuel Vatari, organizes periodic real estate fairs in the Diaspora for people interested in making Aliyah. Since Simchat Torah, the demand for these fairs has peaked, with recent events occurring in New Jersey, Flatbush, the Five Towns, Montreal, Toronto, and last week, in Los Angeles. Without minimizing the severity of the attack, Katz believes that it is secondary to the main story: the event itself.  Katz pointed out that we need to pay attention to the focus of ...
The Supreme Court ruled Monday that former U.S. presidents retain significant immunity from prosecution for acts taken while in office, a decision that could hamper efforts to prosecute Donald Trump for his alleged attempt to subvert the 2020 election. The president “may not be prosecuted for exercising his core constitutional powers, and he is entitled, at a minimum, to a presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote for the court, joined in whole or part by Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. But “the President enjoys no immunity for unofficial acts, and not everything the President does is official...
The IDF Spokesperson's Unit announced Monday afternoon that the 99th Division, the only reserve division operating in the Gaza Strip, has been fighting for the past few months in the area of ​​the central Gaza Strip. The soldiers have eliminated approximately 100 terrorists and destroyed more than 100 terrorist structures, weapons storage facilities, observation posts, launch pits and underground tunnel routes. In cooperation with the Yahalom Unit, the troops destroyed a terrorist tunnel one kilometer in length. The tunnel included branches which were used by terrorists to move between different locations underground. In addition, the troops operated against a booby-trapped mosque that was used as a hideout for terrorists in the area. Secondary explosions were detected after th...
Supreme Court sends Trump immunity case back to lower court, delaying trial... Washington, D.C. - July 1, 2024  -  The Supreme Court holds that a former president has absolute immunity for actions taken within the scope of their core constitutional powers. Former presidents are also entitled to at least a presumption of immunity for their official acts. However, the court holds that there is no immunity for unofficial acts
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant commented on the haredi draft law during a discussion in the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. "I came here on a symbolic date, the first of July, the day the service is automatically shortened from 32 months to 30 months, instead of increasing from 32 months to 36 months as I stated in the draft law proposal about four months ago. Why did we propose this? Because we need soldiers." "I was in Rafah yesterday, and met many draft and reserve soldiers who are ready to do anything, but they expect solidarity from us. I think there is also a value issue here - in the reality we are in, where we have lost more than a brigade, it is impossible to exempt entire communities from service. It is in this spirit that I have been acting since the beginning of my term...
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