Baltimore's Yeshiva Gedolah Ohr Hatorah's 5th Annual Shabbos Chizuk

By BJLife/Isaac Draiman
Posted on 01/16/18

Baltimore, MD - Jan. 16, 2018 - The fifth annual Yeshiva Gedolah Ohr Hatorah Shabbos Chizuk and Weekend Retreat was held this past Shabbos, Parshas Va’eira, at Capital Camps Retreat Center in Waynesboro, Pa. Located about one hour from Baltimore, in the picturesque mountains of southern Pennsylvania, this sprawling campus has become home to a much anticipated event for every talmid. Close to one hundred and twenty people; talmidim, Hanhalah, Alumni, as well as friends of the Yeshiva and their families came together to be inspired, invigorated and reenergized in midst of winter.

And inspired, invigorated and reenergized they were. The stirring tefillos and zemiros, coupled with the variety of divrei Torah and drashos, moved each person in his own way. More than once, the heartfelt niggunim spawned spontaneous dancing among the participants. An impromptu kumzitz broke out at the end of the Friday night seuda as well as at Shalosh Seudos. The heartfelt singing brought out feelings of dveikus and created an atmosphere of unparalleled achdus.

A full gamut of shiurim and shmuezzen filled all with inspiration. It began with a shiur from R’ Moshe Herzog after Kabbolas Shabbos, encouraging all not to fall into the trap of “self-blindness” as Paroah did. A Shabbos morning drasha from Rabbi Daniel Wilhelm helped everyone appreciate the truth and sweetness of Ameilus B’Torah. An afternoon Halachah shiur from R’ Yitzchok Oratz on the topic of Hiddur Mitzvah, and a powerful Shalosh Seudos shmuezz from Rabbi Chaim Dovid Lapidus completed the shiurim. Divrei Brocha and divrei Torah were delivered during the Seudos by the Roshei Yeshiva, Rabbi Dovid Hoffman and Rabbi Moshe Aharon Rosenbaum as well as by a number of talmidim and Alumni.

A number of group sessions were held as well. On Friday night a panel discussion was held after the Seuda. Titled: Sha’al Avicha V’yagedcha, R’ Aharon Hirschman, R’ Moshe Herzog and Rabbi Benzion Lapidus shared their thoughts and answers to questions submitted by the Bochurim of the Yeshiva. Moderated by R’ Yisrael Friedland, a spirited discussion made for an enjoyable, off the cuff talk. After davening on Shabbos morning, the Yeshiva bochurim split up into groups and heard divrei chizuk from on the topic: The Strength of the Yachid vs. The Power of the Rabbim. R’ Yehuda Finkel, R’ Dovid Bacharach and R’ Ari Jager headlined each group.

For many, the best was yet to come! On Motzoei Shabbos, an all new program was designed featuring a Melave Malka with special guest speaker R’ Akiva Yanez. R’ Yanez kept the crowd spellbound as he described his incredible and uplifting life story. Following his inspiring talk, the Ohr Hatorah Band took center stage as Tzvi Lundner, Shloime Tendler and Avi Pruzansky played songs filled with ruach. Spirited dancing, aided by the vocal accompaniment of R’ Yehuda Tenebaum, concluded the evening. Each person left the weekend not only feeling uplifted and motivated to make the most of the remainder of this winter zman, but with a renewed and deeper connection to their Rebbeim, each other and to their personal Avodah.