7% of Public Service Jobs To Be Reserved For Charedim

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 12/17/17 | News Source: Arutz-7

The Cabinet approved a bill reserving 7% of civil service jobs for haredim Sunday morning.

The proposal is intended to encourage haredi integration into the public sector and the labor market.

According to statistics published by the Knesset, the percentage of haredim in the public sector is very low and does not correspond with their percentage of the Israeli population.

Interior Minister Aryeh Deri (Shas) welcomed the plan's approval: "We have made a historic move in the government and we have approved a dramatic decision that will affect the lives of thousands of haredi academics who, to date, have found it difficult to integrate into the labor market."

MK Uri Meklav (United Torah Judaism) said that this decision was adopted after extensive review and efforts by the initiator of the law of 'fair representation' and the haredi representatives in order to bring an end to discrimination. These actions against the State Commission are designed to stop discrimination and to allow haredi workers to receive the rights they deserve and their relative representation in the civil servants and the public sector."

Social Equality Minister Gila Gamliel welcomed the decision and said: "Equality is not talked about it, We are working to secure it and if we really want equality, we have to anchor it. Armor for vulnerable populations are precisely the anchors of equality. It is impossible to talk all the time about the importance of integrating haredim into society and the economy without creating infrastructures for this."

"This is a real revolution that will oblige government ministries to act actively to represent the haredi community in the civil service, a representation that can bring about change and influence the social and economic status of haredim in society and in the labor market. It is a decision that will reduce inequalities, reduce disparities, and foster the integration of haredim in Israel."