Agudath Israel Clarifies Status Of Pending Lawsuits

By Rabbi Avi Schnall, New Jersey Director
Posted on 12/15/17

Rabbi Avi Schnall, director of Agudath Israel's New Jersey Office, clarified the news reports that his group has "settled" its lawsuits against Jackson as a result of the proposed resolution to allow the placement of eruvs on local utility poles.

"We are currently engaged in mediation with Jackson Township. While we are encouraged by the Township's Resolution, no settlement has yet been reached. We are not at the end and much more still needs to be worked out.  We remain hopeful for a positive resolution."

Agudath Israel's lawsuit also covers two additional discriminatory Jackson ordinances: the dormitory ban throughout the Township; and the ban on building Yeshivos in residential areas, which is essentially the only realistic option. Neither of these two bans have been addressed by the Township yet.

Rabbi Schnall commends the Township for the proposed eruv ordinance; he sees it as a signal of goodwill and the desire to cooperate. He notes that the recent trial decision against the Village of Pomona, NY, and its discriminatory zoning laws highlight how futile and costly it is to a municipality and its taxpayers to fight for discriminatory ordinances. Attorney Roman Storzer, who is representing the plaintiffs in Jackson suit, represented the successful plaintiffs in Pomona, as well as in a similar case last year in Ocean, NJ.

"It is our hope that all matters will be promptly resolved in mediation, benefiting both Orthodox and non-Orthodox residents who seek to live in harmony and avoid unnecessary taxpayer expenditures," said Rabbi Schnall.