Pirchei Annual Banquet a Smashing Success (Photo Essay)

By BJLife/Isaac Draiman
Posted on 11/18/17

Baltimore, MD - Nov. 17, 2017 - On Sunday, November 5th, Pirchei Agudah Israel of Baltimore hosted its annual banquet, honoring boys ages 6-11 for participating succcesfully in a  learning program that took place over the past Succos holiday.  To be invited to the dinner, one needed to learn a certain amount of time (depending on one’s age) each day of the vacation. 

The program started with a welcome from Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz, Pirchei Director, followed by words of encouragement from HaRav Moshe Heinemann, Shlita, (Rav, Agudas Yisrael of Baltimore).

Singing and dancing followed to the sensational music of Mr. Ben Zion Weiss. 

The evening’s highlight came with the storyteller, Rabbi Yoel Ferber, of Lakewood, NJ. He travelled in to inspire and entertain the children and their fathers with a witty story about a marginally committed Jew sent to Russia to deliver Tefillin and Mezuzos under the Iron Curtain and their watchful eyes of the KGB.   Although he came to uplift others, he became inspired by the dedication and devotion by some of the Jewish refuseniks who remained strong in their commitment to G-d’s Holy Torah. Rabbi Ferber’s sound effects and hilarious voices delighted the audience. 

Bentching and a fantastic prize raffle, led by Rabbi Mordechai Glazer, ended the program. 

O’Fishel Caterers provided an appropriately yummy kid’s meal with the  aid of many talented waiters - (middle schoolers from TI)

This event was very well attended- with approximately 700 people in attendance! We hope that the children received much encouragement to pursue their Torah learning with renewed enjoyment!