Cheder Chabad hosts "on the spot" Tefillin and Mezuzah checking (Photos)

By BJLife/Rabbi Avrohom Wolowik
Posted on 09/14/17

Baltimore, MD - Sept. 14, 2017 - There is an ancient custom practiced by people diligent in Mitzvos to have their Mezuzahs checked once a year, during the Jewish month of Elul, the month prior to the High Holidays. The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory, would encourage all to have their Mezuzahs and Tefillin checked during this auspicious month.



On Tuesday, September 12 Cheder Chabad hosted a Community Wide “on the spot” Mezuzah and Tefillin checking day just in time for Rosh Hashanah to serve the Greater Jewish Baltimore Community for anyone who wanted to participate in this amazing mitzvah! The checking was done by Sofer Stam Rabbi Yaakov Mendel Zirkind. A portion of the proceeds went to the Cheder Chabad Scholarship Fund.

“In the spirit of mitzvah goreres mitzvah, one mitzvah leading to another, this program combines this custom with the mitzvahs of Tzedaka, and Chinuch, says Cheder Executive Director, Rabbi Avrohom Wolowik.

Numerous people took advantage of this unique and convenient service and the response was overwhelming with many expressing appreciation. “It is such a nice service, making this so easy to take care of.  Many sofrim are very busy at this time of the year, making it difficult to schedule appointments,” said Mr. David Schwartz

One participant expressed her gratitude by posting the following Facebook message: “PSA Get your mezuzahs checked.  I finally got mine checked, and guess what? My front door mezuzah klaf (parchment) has been upside down all this time. Yikes…  In addition, all my mezuzah were not kosher from the day they were written.  Not faded or smudged because of age, but written incorrectly to start… I can’t thank you enough Rivkah Slatkin, I never got around to doing this until you invited me to today’s community event and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to finally get them checked.

Special thank you to parent volunteer Mrs. Rivka Slatkin for organizing the program