Australian Nazi Group Plasters Melbourne Schools With Violently Racist and Antisemitic Posters

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 08/15/17 | News Source: Algemeiner

A fanatical neo-Nazi Australian group that advertises itself as “the Hitlers you’ve been waiting for” has embarked on a campaign to plaster schools in the city of Melbourne with violently racist and antisemitic images and slogans.

The posters were discovered over the weekend at three Melbourne schools. “Luckily the teachers got there first to cover them up,” a cleaner at one of the schools told local broadcaster 3AW.

The posters — the work of a Nazi youth organization that styles itself the “Antipodean Resistance” — used ugly racist pejoratives to denigrate black and Asian people and call for the extermination of Jews. One poster depicted the classic Nazi image of a grasping, hook-nosed Jew alongside the words “Multiculturalism,” “Degeneracy” and “Reject Jewish Poison.”

The same group was behind what it described as a “prank” targeting students of Chinese origin at the University of Melbourne and Monash University in December. Students arriving at the campuses were confronted with posters reading, “Attention! This is a place that prohibits Chinese people to enter. Any offence is subject to prosecution or possible deportation.” One of the Nazi media outlets that lavished attention on these antics was the US-based Daily Stormer, which lost its web-hosting rights following last weekend’s violent neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville.

One Australian anti-fascist site described the “Antipodean Resistance” as “nipsters” — short for “neo-Nazi hipsters.” While claiming a national following, the group is believed to number only a handful of individuals in the Melbourne area. The group’s website warns, “Being White is not enough,” and asserts its opposition to “substance abuse, homosexuality, and all other rotten, irresponsible distractions laid before us by Jews and globalist elites.”