Anti-Semitic Signs at Switzerland Hotel

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 08/14/17 | News Source: Arutz-7

Swiss hotel posts signs limiting hours Jews can use refrigerator, forcing Jews to shower before and after swimming.

A haredi family from Israel received a shock when they found an anti-Semitic sign at the Swiss hotel they were staying at.

The family had found the Aparthaus Paradies hotel in the town of Arosa Switzerland online. Previous guests had given the hotel positive ratings.

However, when the family arrived at the hotel, they were greeted by a sign instructing all Jewish guests to shower before and after using the swimming pool.

The sign read in broken English: "To our Jewish guests, men women and children, please take a shower before you go swimming and although after swimming."

The sign contained a threat to ban Jewish swimmers if they failed to comply. "If you break the rules, I'm forced to cloes the pool for you."

"Thank you for understanding, Ruth Thomann," the sign concludes.

"After we invited the hotel, we talked to the woman who was very nice to us," the father explained to News 2 Online. "We told her we were Jewish and she told us that a lot of Jews come there. She brought us what we needed for the baby. After we arrived, she was very nice."

However, shortly after they settled in the hotel, they noticed a sign on the refrigerator saying that the Jewish guests were limited in using it.

"For our Jewish guests: You are allowed to access the refrigerator only in the following hours: 10:00-11:00 and 16:30-17:30," the sign read. "I hope you understand that our team does not like being harassed every time."

"We were in shock," the father explained. "No one approached her because we did not want to start a confrontation, but the next day the sign suddenly appeared at the pool, which was very frightening."

He said that they attempted to speak with the hotel director about the offensive signs, but she was nowhere to be found.

"It was very strange," he continued. "Even the gentiles did not understand - there is a very nice group of Jews from all over the world - there are hardly any Israelis here, and everyone behaves in a very respectful way. It was very strange. It was a kind of anti-Semitism we have not been exposed to before"