'The People Expect Vengeance'

Posted on 07/23/17 | News Source: Arutz-7

Right-wing activists demonstrate in front of Prime Minister's Office, demand harsh response to massacre in Halamish.

Dozens of right-wing activists demonstrated in front of the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem Sunday evening, demanding the government take more serious measures to confront the recent wave of Arab terrorism.

The protest, led by the Otzma Yehudit party, included Lehava founder Bentzi Gopstein, attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir, and Hevron activist Baruch Marzel.

Activists called on Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman (Yisrael Beytenu) to resign, claiming he had failed to confront the surge in Arab terrorism.

“Jewish blood isn’t cheap,” chanted demonstrators.

“If the government ministers would read the Torah,” said Marzel, “they would understand that there is a Torah-based solution: remove all of our enemies from the country.”

Gopstein echoed this sentiment, calling for the removal of the Waqf, the Jordanian Islamic trust which manages the Temple Mount, from the holy site.

“Throw our enemies out of the Temple Mount immediately,” said Gopstein, adding that, in his opinion, Israeli citizens wanted to see revenge meted out against the terrorists.

“The people expect the Israeli government to avenge [those murdered in Halamish].”

The protest comes after a surge in violence by Israeli Arabs and residents of the Palestinian Authority against Israeli civilians and security forces.

On July 14th, three Israeli Arabs from the town of Umm el-Fahm shot and killed two Israeli Border Police officers near the Temple Mount.

Days later, after Israeli police installed magnetometers (advanced metal detectors) at the entrances of the Temple Mount, Arabs in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria declared a “Day of Rage”, with violent riots which left several Israeli police and civilians injured.

This past Friday night, an Arab terrorist broke into an Israeli home and stabbed three civilians to death shortly after he wrote a Facebook post declaring his support for the Hamas terror group.