Hidden Camera Shows CNN Producer Criticizing Russia Coverage

Posted on 06/27/17 | News Source: San Francisco Chronicle

New York - A conservative provocateur posted a video Tuesday of a man identified as a CNN producer commenting on his network’s coverage of President Donald Trump and connections to Russia.

The producer, identified as John Bonifield, said it appeared CNN had no “smoking gun” evidence of wrongdoing by the president and was giving the story extensive coverage because it was good for the ratings.

“I haven’t seen any good enough evidence to show that the President committed a crime,” CNN supervising producer Bonifield, says in the clip.

“I just feel like they don’t really have it but they want to keep digging. And so I think the president is probably right to say, like, look you are witch hunting me,” says Bonnifield,

A CNN biography lists Bonifield as a producer for the network’s medical unit, with no indication that he’s involved in political coverage.

The video, posted by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, had Bonifield talking with an unidentified person while sitting at a table behind a drink and later in an elevator.

CNN has not commented on the video. O’Keefe and his web site have a long history of aiding Republican causes, often with the use hidden cameras. The law firm of one victim recently sued O’Keefe, alleging violation of a federal wiretap law.

The video was released after three CNN journalists resigned Monday following the network’s retraction of a story Friday about a supposed investigation into a pre-inaugural meeting between a Trump associate and the head of a Russian investment fund.