Listen to Rabbi Moshe Hauer on Shavuos (5 Audios)

By Rabbi Moshe Hauer
Posted on 05/29/17

Baltimore, MD - May 29, 2017: Listen to 5 audios from Rabbi Moshe Hauer on Shavuos

Shavuos-The Joy of Torah

On Shavuos, we are required to have a feast and to celebrate, in order to demonstrate our excitement and joy at receiving the Torah. This happiness is a prerequisite to receiving the Torah, just like our original joyous acceptance with the words "naaseh v'nishmah" (we will do and we will hear). If we do not show proper appreciation for this gift, certain mitzvos can be taken from us, like korbanos (offerings) and other mitzvos related to the Beis Hamikdash. As the time of re-accepting the Torah approaches, it is our job to embrace it with true joy and happiness.

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Rus-Selfless Dedication

On Shavuos, we read Megillas Rus, the story of the ancestor of David Hamelech, Rus, who clung to her mother-in-law Naomi and joined the Jewish people. Our acceptance of the Torah at Har Sinai made our whole nation converts, and is a macro version of what any individual convert does before becoming a Jew. If someone wants to join the Jewish people for material benefits, we do not allow him to join. Rus wanted to come to the Jewish people out of pure, selfless, dedication to Naomi. When we act in a truly selfless manner, we gain true satisfaction and the key to eternity, and will be properly prepared for Kabbalas Hatorah.

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Reliving Matan Torah

We are instructed to remember the event of Maamad Har Sinai, when we received the Torah. It used to be that people relived this event every time they learned Torah-they felt as if Hashem was talking to them. Nowadays, we do not have such a strong sense of this. Specifically on the Yom Tov of Shavuos, it is important to relive Matan Torah, listening to the Aseres Hadibros as a community, standing as one, ready to hear the word of Hashem.

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Emor: Shavuos as Part of the 3 Festivals

The sixth aliyah of Parshas Emor is about Sukkos, the third and final holiday of the Shalosh Regalim. Shavuos, when we received the Torah, is the second holiday of this cycle. It is the harvest time—the time when we were separated from the complete chessed of Hashem, and given instructions for how to live "on our own". When Sukkos comes, it is time to gather in the crops- time to see if we have been successful in achieving the balance of independence. If we are able to use our bechirah (freewill) properly, we will be developing our tzelem Elokim (Divine image) further, maintaining the proper balance between independence and relying on Hashem.

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Preparing for Kabbalas HaTorah Part 5 - Kedusha

As we get close to Kabbalas Hatorah, we complete this series with one final, fundamental element of man that distinguishes him from animals. Man has a neshama, a piece of Hashem that transcends anything on this physical earth. When a person makes decisions objectively, guided by his neshama, he is connecting to Hashem's Torah, and focusing on his real purpose. The nazir separates himself from pleasures in this world in order to be "neshama focused". Although we are supposed to enjoy this world, we need to ensure that it does not distract us from our real purpose, and from allowing our neshama to give us eternal life.

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