UPDATED as of May 29, 2:29 AM - BDE: Coby Rosemore, a'h

By Suburban Orthodox
Posted on 05/29/17

Baltimore, MD - May 29, 2017 - With great sadness, and a broken heart, we regret to inform you that Coby Rosemore was niftar earlier this morning. The levaya will take place Tuesday, May 30, at 2:00 PM at Levinson's.

Kevurah will be at Beth Tfiloh Cemetery, 5800 Windsor Mill Road.

Please carpool to funeral if possible.

Following the kevurah, the family will sit shiva for a few hours before the onset of Yom Tov.

At this time, the family has asked for no visitation during the shortened shiva period. 

The family requests their privacy during this difficult time. Please forward any messages to rabbisilber@suburbanorthodox.org to be shared with the family.