Watch: Vicious Attacks Continue Against Chareidi Soldiers In Yerushalayim & Beit Shemesh (Video)

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 04/26/17 | News Source: YWN

Despite increased IDF and Israel Police efforts to apprehend persons responsible for attacks against IDF soldiers, the attacks continue.

According to reports, no less than five soldiers were attacked in a 24-hour period this week, all amid shouts of ‘Chardak’, the derogatory term used by chareidim against the frum soldiers.

The attacks this week were reportedly carried out by members of the Peleg faction and the Eida Chareidis. Four attacks occurred on Monday evening the eve of 29 Nissan, in which police extricated two soldiers and the soldiers extricated themselves in the other attacks. One attack occurred in Beit Shemesh on Tuesday. At least two arrests have been made in that attack.

Authorities promise they will prosecute suspects to the fullest extent of the law.

In the videos below, one can see military police arresting a suspect following an attack on Tuesday, 29 Nissan.
