Listen to Rabbi Moshe Hauer on Rosh Chodesh Iyar- Counting Toward Chametz- A Greater Goal (Audio)

By Rabbi Moshe Hauer
Posted on 04/25/17

Baltimore, Md - Apr. 25, 2017 - Iyar is the month which contains the bulk of Sefiras Haomer. We are counting from the offering of toasted barley brought on the second day of Pesach to the special offering of bread brought on Shavuos. As we prepare for Kabbalas Hatorah and work on developing ourselves, we count from a time when we eradicated chometz to the bringing of a korban that is specifically chametz. Chametz teaches us that things require time, and that development is a process. As humans, we have the unique ability to set goals for ourselves, and to take time to work and develop ourselves through long term goals and ambitions.

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