Ruth And Naomi Star In Jerusalem (Photo Essay)

By BJLife/Sharon Altshul
Posted on 02/22/17

Jerusalem, Israel - Feb. 22, 2017 - In 2006, Raise Your Spirits Theatre premiered "Ruth & Naomi, in the Fields of Bethlehem." The Gush Etzion community production was headed by Arlene Chertoff, Toby Klein Greenwald and Sharon Katz, with music composed and arranged by Mitch Clyman.

"Ruth and Naomi' is back and was on stage this week in Jerusalem, Israel, with its "text based on the book of Ruth, written by Samuel the Prophet." An all-female cast performed for the women only performances in the Beit Shmuel auditorium.

The harmonies were rewritten for the professionally trained voices of Audelia Zaguri as Ruth and Rachel Moore as Naomi. The duets of the new female leads were magical. An enthusiastic cast ranged from young girls to older women. The large production crew was headed by Greenwald as Producing Director and Aviva Karpel as Music Director. 

The cast was too large to list all the talented performers. However, two of the "male" leads, Deena Lawi as Boaz, and Elana Abelow Kronenberg as Ploni Almoni, headed an impressive group of "guys."

Mothers and daughters, grandmothers with granddaughters, at least one four generation family attended the early show, as did a group of women celebrating a birthday and women from a Neve Yerushalyim pilot program.

Kronenberg had two of her daughters in the show, granddaughters of Debbie Abelow, formerly of Baltimore. So much time and energy, and talent, what a shame the sound equipment was lacking to support the beautiful voices and music.