A Beloved Gadol

By Binyamin Ansbacher
Posted on 02/18/17

Harav Chaim Yisroel Belsky Zt'l. "A Beloved Godol".

These words reflect how I personally related to him and, as I have come to learn, he was regarded by hundreds and thousands of his talmidim. To me, he was beloved, as a father, because I felt that he cared for me as a son. Yet, a Godol, because his greatness was so towering and enormous. He was a giant of a man in stature, prominence and kindness. To me, the juxtaposition of these two character traits is astounding. The more I appreciated his greatness the more I was amazed by his kindness. His sensitivity, warmth, and compassion were breathtaking.

Having been a camper in Camp Agudah for many summers as a kid, I had seen him from afar. I had watched him lead the Masmidim program and heard him address the camp, as camp Rav, from time to time. I knew that he was respected and admired. When I outgrew my years as a camper, I joined the Masmidim program and was privileged to glimpse his true greatness from a bit closer.  From his daily  Shiurim and introspective afternoon Shiurim on Rambam Hilchos Da'os, to the plethora of complex and vexing shailos that crossed his desk on a daily basis, his Gadlus was evident. His skills as a Shochet and a Mohel were further affirmation.

The memories of our summers with Harav Belsky Zt'l, will remain with us forever. Every experience we shared with him was inspiring, whether hiking up mountains, singing Niggunim along the way, sitting around a campfire or whitewater rafting. We sang the niggunim of old that he taught us and learned new niggunim that he composed. We will forever remember going stargazing with Rav Belsky Zt'l , where he would name each star by its scientific and Talmudic name and explain each constellation. We were fascinated to watch and learn as he dissected a calf and explained Hilchos Treifos in intricate detail. We were Zoche to sit in his Succah at the Simchas Beis Hashoava that he made for the Masmidim on Succos.

I was fortunate to speak with him for hours in his office and walk the camp grounds with him until the wee hours of the morning, receiving from him eitzos, hadracha and chizuk. I called him often and he always made time to speak with me. I was privileged to sit at his Shabbos Seuda and walk with him to shul, while staying for Shabbos in his home.  I was also honored to arrange his annual Shabbos visit to Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore, (where I and a large group of Masmidim learned), a visit that meant so much to him and much more to us.

I'd like to share a thought that Rabbi Belsky Zt'l shared with us that will put my memories of him in perspective. The Halacha states regarding the knots on a pair of Tzitzis: קשר עליון the (top) first knot (of the five knots on each corner) is a mitzvah דאורייתא. (Biblically mandated) The following knots are דרבן. He explained "קשר עליון" the greatest connection is that which is formed, דאורייתא, through the study of Torah. This is the connection that Yaakov Avinu and Binyomin shared which is described in the passuk as "נפשו קשורה בנפשו" ("His soul was bound with his soul"). Similarly this is the connection we have established in the Masmidim with one another, a relationship forged through Torah. This is also the Kesher, we have established and we will always cherish with him.

I will forever treasure these memories and my relationship with Harav Belsky Zt'l.

This article first appeared in HAMODIA