Torah Umesorah’s Baltimore Shabbos of Chizuk (Photo Essay)

By TU Staff Writer
Posted on 02/16/17

Baltimore, MD - Feb. 16, 2017 - For some of the over 400 participants at the recent Torah Umesorah (TU) Shabbos of Chizuk in Baltimore, the event was an interim opportunity to recharge their batteries, to tide them over until the annual Leadership Convention of TU in the spring. For the majority, who are unable to attend the larger retreat, this was much more than interim. It was a Shabbos intended to meaningfully inspire and uplift. Both of these objectives were handsomely achieved at the “Shabbos of Chizuk for Baltimore Mechanchim” that took place over Shabbos Shirah, Parashas Beshalach, at the Hunt Valley Wyndham Inn just outside of Baltimore.

One Baltimore Menahel praised the event on several counts, beginning with the fact that the schedule was created such that no educator would be required to miss class in order to take part. The conference commenced on Friday afternoon, with registration and hospitality – there was also an opening workshop on “Motivation in the Classroom and Beyond” given by TU’s Rabbi Shmuel Yaakov Klein. The retreat concluded with a rich Motzoei Shabbos program that featured a rousing address on what makes a teacher “special,” by world-renowned speaker, Harav Yissochor Frand, a Rosh Yeshiva at Baltimore’s Ner Yisrael Yeshiva.  This means that those who needed to be in the classroom on Sunday morning were able to be.

According to Rabbi Dovid Nojowitz, Menahel of TU, the purpose of the Shabbos was to recognize and pay tribute to the phenomenal sacrifices that are made by the heroes of our society – the rebbeim and moros – who relentlessly give of themselves for Klal Yisrael and for ALL the young charges in their care. This was the central message of Rabbi Nojowitz’s address delivered during Friday night’s Seudas Shabbos.

Among the gains from the experience was the opportunity for mechanchim to be in close proximity with Torah luminaries for a Shabbos. At their head was Harav Aharon Feldman, shlita, Rosh Hayeshiva of Ner Yisrael. Rav Feldman’s major address, which was delivered before Musaf on Shabbos morning, focused on the distinction between Jewish society – its values and aspirations – and those of the non-Jewish world where self-centricity and pleasure lie at the core.  The Rosh Yeshiva emphasized the importance of inculcating this concept into the minds of our talmidim and talmidos.

A number of featured speakers and presenters beautifully enriched the program. Harav Yosef Eichenstein, shlita, Rosh Hayeshiva of the Rabbi Jacob Joseph School in Edison, New Jersey, spoke twice over the Shabbos – first sharing divrei Torah at the Friday night Oneg Shabbos, and, second, delivering a major address prior to Mincha on Shabbos afternoon. Harav Lipa Geldwerth, shlita, Rav of Kehal Kol Torah in Flatbush as well as Maggid Shiur in Yeshiva Torah Temimah, delivered the major address just after Kabalas Shabbos as well as the drashah for men at Shalesheudes. Harav Sheftel Neuberger, shlita, Menahel of Yeshivas Ner Yisrael, delighted his audience with his major address during the morning Seudas Shabbos.

The Shaleshudes drashah for ladies was given by Rabbi Klein.

Rav Eichenstein and Rav Geldwerth joined Rav Feldman in forming a Sheilos Uteshuvos panel for men following the Friday night seudah. The session, which spurred much excitement, dealt with a number of fundamental chinuch issues. Session moderator was Rabbi Shea Ryback, TU’s Director of the National Conference of Yeshiva Principals.

Concurrently, women were addressed by Mrs. Yocheved Schiff, principal of Bais Yaakov of Borough Park.

Another panel discussion was held for the men. The panel consisted of Rabbi Baruch Hilsenrath, Principal of Yeshiva Ketana of Passaic; Rabbi Hillel Mandel, the famed educational consultant and trainer of teachers; and Rabbi Yerachmiel Udman, Headmaster of Torah Day School of Dallas, Texas.  That session was moderated by Rabbi Yehoshua Levy, a TU Executive Consultant.

A third panel discussion – for women – ran concurrently with that one. Panelists included: Rebbetzin Rivka Eichenstein, a senior teacher at the Manhattan High School for Girls; Mrs. Yocheved Schiff; and Mrs. Becky Udman, Director of Preschool at Dallas’s Torah Day School. This session was moderated by the Principal of General Studies at Baltimore’s Bais Yaakov High School, Mrs. Elise Wolf.

As the program started to draw to a close, the attendees were fired up for a powerful Motzoei Shabbos program.  The first component was a choice of concurrent workshops – three for men and three for women. The first, for Mesivta Rebbeim, was led by Rav Feldman; the second, led by Rabbi Mandel, addressed the proper approach for teahing Chumash to boys; the third, on best practices for effective teaching, was led by Rabbi Hilsenrath.

Ladies were able to select between: a session on relationships vis a vis feeling connected with talmidos, given by Mrs. Udman; the balance between yedios and skills, given by Mrs. Schiff; and tools for keeping talmidos from falling “through the cracks,” given by Rebbetzin Eichenstein.

After the Melave Malka, prior to the address of Rabbi Frand, the gathering was addressed by Baltimore’s famed champion of chinuch, Rabbi Dovid Meister, a senior educator and Chairman of the Association of Jewish Day Schools of Baltimore. Rabbi Meister, who shared heartfelt words of zikaron and tribute to three mechanchim/os who passed away over the past year, has fueled the fire that cooks up all major educational events in Baltimore, including the Shabbos of Chizuk.

The familiar voice that resounded throughout the Shabbos was that of Reb Abish Brodt, whose attendance has become a familiar and most appreciated accoutrement of almost all TU Shabbos events. Reb Abish led most of the tefillos as well as zemiros during the Shabbos meals, the Oneg Shabbos and at the Melave Malka.

Ultimately the success of the event is the fruit of the labor of two individuals who worked hand in hand for several weeks prior to the actual event itself. One, on behalf of TU, was Rabbi Ryback, while the other was Rabbi Yoseph Neuberger, Mashgiach of the Mechinah at Ner Yisrael. Together they chaired the actual conference, and, with the assistance of a group of local Baltimore operatives, they planned and attended to all details, large and small, ensuring the success of the event such that the participants must surely have begun counting down the days to next year’s Shabbos of Chizuk.