Bais Yaakov Second Grade Girls Shine at Chumash Play (Photo Essay)

By BJLife/Isaac Draiman
Posted on 01/18/17

Baltimore, Md - Jan. 17, 2016 - This past Sunday morning, January 15, over 500 people gathered at the Bais Yaakov Park Heights campus to celebrate their second grade daughters first Siyum, the completion of Parshas Bereishis. Great-Grandmothers, grandmothers, mothers and siblings came to share in the simcha and express their interest in this special event!

It was just over a year ago, that these same young ladies received their Siddurim. Within 11 months, the Bais Yaakov Talmidos completed 146 pesukim with many shorashim, prefixes and suffixes - the tools they will need to become independent learners. Each girl was adorned with a crown, a colored cloak and a golden wristlet as they led the audience through each perek with a song that captured the essence of the pesukim and story the girls had learnt in class. 

The purpose of the Chumash play is to give the girls an experience they will always remember. Capturing it in song form helps them to never forget the Torah they have learned in second grade. Moreover, it builds a sense of school ruach and achdus where girls and Moros from different classes join to create an unbelievable presentation of song.

As one second grade Morah shares,” A student of mine who was unexcited by school, suddenly went through a transformation. She began waking up early to come to school. Her mother couldn’t explain the change of attitude. I am convinced that it was caused by the practice for the performance. She would sit on the stage with a large smile, sing at the top of her lungs and perform all the motions with excitement. My entire class felt like stars! Sara Schnirer would be so proud!”

Photo Credit: Kalman Feldman / KF Productions