American Father Of Divorce Refuser Avoids Jail Time, But Banned From Leaving Israel

By Jeremy Sharon
Posted on 01/16/17 | News Source:

Tel Aviv - The father of a US citizen who has denied his wife a “get,” a Jewish writ of divorce, for more than 14 years will avoid a jail sentence for the time being the Supreme Court of Justice ruled on Monday, although his ban from leaving Israel will remain in place.

The case involves an American haredi couple with two children who came on a family trip to Israel 14 years ago. During their vacation, the wife suffered a stroke that left her permanently disabled, and her husband subsequently abandoned her and their children in Israel, returned to the US and has refused to grant her a divorce ever since.

The Tel Aviv Rabbinical Court ruled almost three years ago that the man was obligated to grant her a get, but he ignored the ruling.

When the rabbinical court and its investigative department began to investigate the man’s motivation for refusing his wife a get for such a long period of time, it discovered that the man’s father – a well-known and wealthy haredi businessman – was supporting and backing his son in his refusal to grant a divorce.

When the man’s parents visited Israel in 2015, the rabbinical court issued an order banning them from leaving the country, confiscated their passports and eventually issued an unprecedented ruling in which the father was sentenced to 30 days in prison for backing his son’s divorce refusal.

“It is he [the father] who is the central and active figure behind the captive situation of his daughter-in-law, due to his son,” ruled the court. “He can extend her captivity if he wishes, or shorten it and, therefore, appropriate and suitable sanctions must be issued against him.”

Although the rabbinical courts are empowered to impose various sanctions, including prison time, against recalcitrant husbands, it was the first time more at JPost