TODAY! Be Sure to Attend - AJOP Rabbinically 'Star Studded' Day of Inspiration - Dedicated to the Memory of Lonnie Borck, Z'L

By BJLife/Margie Pensak
Posted on 01/22/17

Baltimore, MD - Jan. 15, 2017 - Years ago, before being “off-the-derech” was in vogue, a very wise and intuitive community askan remarked to me, ‘We need an NCSY for those who were born into frum families’. I knew exactly what he meant, especially having benefitted from a lifelong, inspired excitement about Yiddishkeit from my involvement in the New England Region (NER) of NCSY.

Today’s frum youth want to “own” their Yiddishkeit more than ever, it seems. When you think about it, doesn’t everyone have a greater appreciation for what they have earned as compared to what was handed to them? How can our children feel like their Yiddishkeit is “self-made”? How can we make Yiddishkeit as exciting and new to them as we do for an NCSYer?

On Sunday, January 22, world-renowned kiruv experts will share their valuable secrets and important tools in overcoming this challenge at the AJOP Day of Inspiration. The opening event of the 28th Annual International Association for Jewish Outreach Programs (AJOP), in partnership with Project Inspire, is open to the lay public. The event, held at the Hunt Valley Inn from 9:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m., will kick off with, “Finding the Role of Your Soul: Lessons Learned from Lonnie Borck, zt’l”, led by Rabbi Dovid Felsenthal. The AJOP Day of Inspiration, held in Lonnie’s memory, is a most fitting tribute to a man who had an exemplary, unconditional love and acceptance for all. He selflessly and single-handedly took it upon himself to help those faltering in their observance of Yiddishkeit.

Rabbi Yitzchok Lowenbraun, National Director of AJOP, explains, “The convention brings together people who make a difference and change the Jewish community for the better, by sharing their inspiration. We talk about the issues of the day in a very open forum with a broad representation of views from across the spectrum of Torah Judaism.”

Other topics and presenters for the AJOP Day of Inspiration, include: “Let's Be Honest: Why So Many of Us Are Uninspired: What Can We Do About It?” (Rabbi Ilan Feldman); “The Frum Revolution: Kiruv Kerovim”  (Rabbi Jonathan Rietti); “The Ten Commandments of Raising Extraordinary Children”(Rabbi Benzion Klatzko); “Project Inspire - Common Kiruv Blunders: The Dos and Don'ts of Kiruv Rechokim” (Rabbi Yaakov Salomon); and, “Emunah: Building Worlds with Words” (Rabbi David Markowitz).

The closing plenary session, moderated by Yehuda Neuberger, “Cynics, Skeptics, Bloggers, and the Intellectually Curious: How to Present Genuine Torah Values in a Challenging World”, will feature panelists Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein, Rabbi Moshe Bane, Rabbi Moshe Hauer, and Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky.  

“The world is changing so quickly; we need a new course of action to deal with these changes,” concludes Rabbi Lowenbraun. “It is widely recognized that we need to address basic questions of Judaism within our own community. I think our primary responsibility is to strengthen the already observant. One of our main focuses, this year, is how to take what you have learned in kiruv and works in kiruv and apply it to the general frum community. It is well known that we have to teach Emunah and Mekarvim are especially equipped to communicate and convey this message. Our role for the future is prevention.”

For further information or to register for the 2017 AJOP Day of Inspiration, visit: