35 Baltimore Names Listed Among Those Whose Credit Card Info May Have Been Compromised in Israel Cell Phone Hacking Incident

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 01/10/17

Baltimore, MD - Jan. 10, 2017 - Cellular Israel, a cell phone company that provided cell service to many Yeshiva and Seminary students was hacked as far back as Nov 2015 causing the exposure  of credit card info for close to one thousand people. 35 names from Baltimore are on that list.

If you or anyone you know was in Israel around that time and had service from Cellualr Israel, please be sure to take appropriate action. 

Official response from cellular israel

Dear valued customer

Thank you for letting us know about this.  You should know however that we did have a breach happen to us about a year ago and we have since updated our database with extreme measures of security and encryption to protect our customers.  We were recently made aware of this document online with all that information and it seems that all the information here seem to be from before then bh and this has not been a new breach.

We were already in contact with google and other hosting sites and the FBI to have that link removed permanently, and we were led to understand that in cannot be accessed from chrome but i see now that it is not the case.

As we said that our current website it safe and secure from any hackers, and we are doing our utmost to ensure that the link is removed ASAP. Please understand that the link is not hosted by us obviously and we cannot make it disappear just like that.

All the best
