Israeli Arab Community Extends a Helping Hand- Decries Fires if Palestinian Arson

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 11/24/16 | News Source: YWN

As fire planes from Turkey, Italy, Russia and other countries are heading to Israel to assist, including the American SuperTanker, MK Ahmed Tibi was quick to speak out on Thursday, 23 Cheshvan, questioning why the community automatically points a finger of blame at Palestinians. Tibi added that if it learned that the fires were indeed Palestinian terror, then he condemns the actions unequivocally, in the strongest possible terms, calling to bring those responsible to justice.

The Israel Islamic Organization (IIO) echoed Tibi’s words, condemning what appears to be an unprecedented arson attacks. The organization announced that it is opening its doors, all Israeli Arab communities, to the victims of Haifa and other areas of northern Israel.

Vice President of the IIO Dr. Mansur Abbas reports receiving dozens of calls from Kfar Kassam residents offering to accept families who are homeless. Abbas said he received similar calls from residents of other Israeli Arab municipalities. Kfar Kassam has launched a situation room to assist those in need. One may dial 03-937-9826.