Your Health: Not Something To Ignore

By Alan Freishtat, ACE-Certified Personal Fitness Trainer and certified Wellness Coach.
Posted on 11/14/16

On a recent visit to the United States, all of the news outlets were discussing how to prevent the next terror attack,ח"ו. The law enforcement community has been very adamant in using a phrase for the public; “If you see something, say something”.  Good advice.  And when it comes to our health, there are times when you have to implement a similar policy.  If I see something, or feel something, and it is abnormal, I have to do something about it quickly. 

I have been helping people with Hashem’s help to prevent health problems for a long time.  I also have clients that have existing health issues and through lifestyle changes including proper eating, activity and exercise, they are able to reverse their disease or illness.  But there is such a thing as an emergency that needs to be tended to immediately.  I am not the kind of person who thinks that we should run into the doctor’s office for every little thing, but sometimes, episodes are not little and need attention. 

What brings me to this article was something that happened to an acquaintance of mine.  This person noticed a pain and overall discomfort in his foot and he even noticed some discoloration and swelling.  He, like many, many people just hoped and figured it would go away.  But it turned out he had an infection and it wasn’t treated in any way.  The end result was a cellulitis-as defined by the Mayo Clinic, Cellulitis is a common, potentially serious bacterial skin infection. Cellulitis appears as a swollen, red area of skin that feels hot and tender. It can spread rapidly to other parts of the body.  But in the end, this person had to go to the hospital and spend Yom Tov and more in the hospital in order to get the proper treatment for what was now a serious condition.  You never know for sure, but it is possible this could have been solved before it got out of hand with some oral antibiotic and soaking.

Heart Attack

We should all be educated enough to recognize signs and symptoms of a serious medical emergency is and we should know what to do.  The most common emergency in adults is a heart attack.  How do I know if I am having one and what is the procedure for immediate help?

These are the common signs of a possible heart attack:

This doesn’t mean that if you have one or more of these symptoms you are definitely having a heart attack, but caution must be taken.  If you think you might be having a heart attack, do the following: Act immediately. Some people wait too long because they don't recognize the important signs and symptoms. Take these steps:

1)     Call for emergency medical help. If you suspect you're having a heart attack, don't hesitate. Immediately call your local emergency number. The number is Israel is 101, in the United States it is 911 and in England 999 and the rest of Europe is 112.  If you don't have access to emergency medical services, have someone drive you to the nearest hospital.

2)     Drive yourself only if there are no other options. Because your condition can worsen, driving yourself puts you and others at risk.

3)     Take nitroglycerin, if prescribed to you by a doctor. Take it as instructed while awaiting emergency help.

4)     Take aspirin, if recommended. Taking aspirin during a heart attack could reduce heart damage by helping to keep your blood from clotting.  Aspirin can interact with other medications, however, so don't take an aspirin unless your doctor or emergency medical personnel recommend it. Don't delay calling your emergency number to take an aspirin. Call for emergency help first.

If you witness someone having a heart attack, call for help immediately before anything else.  If the person is conscious, stay with them and keep them as calm and reassured as possible.  Tell them help is on the way.  If the person loses consciousness, call for help first before anything else.  If the person is NOT breathing, begin CPR—for laymen now, the protocols are simple.  Do chest compressions at the rate of about 100 per minute.  Only if you are trained in CPR should you be executing rescue breaths as well.  Help should arrive quickly.  If you are not trained in CPR, it is a good idea to take a course in proper rescue and first aid.  These courses may be offered by your local Hatzolah.


Another common emergency is that of having a stroke.  Beware of the symptoms:

Every moment counts.  If you have any of these symptoms or are with someone who does, the sooner they get help, the less severe the aftermath of the stroke can be.  Summon help at once through your local emergency number. 


In most cases, bleeding is not a serious emergency, however, bleeding from an artery or major vein can lead to hypovolemic shock and death.  If you see someone bleeding, put pressure, preferably with a clean dressing, immediately and hold it there.  Don’t take it off.  In the vast majority of cases, this will stop bleeding.  If it is from a deep cut, then stiches or glue may be called for.  If you are in a situation where you see someone bleeding out, do the following:

After you control the bleeding, call 101 or your local emergency number if the bleeding is the result of major trauma or injury. Also call for emergency help if you suspect internal bleeding.

(All first aid recommendations for all of the above emergencies are based on the protocols published by the Mayo Clinic)

Of course, it is best when we take care of ourselves in every way possible to reduce the chances of ever having an emergency medical incident.  Exercising and eating right, as well as basic safety measures like wearing a seat belt in your car and a helmet, when you bike can go a long way to helping disease and illness prevention and trauma from accidents.  But in the event a medical emergency is suspected, don’t say “It will go away!”  It might--but it might not.  This is not something we want to take a chance with.   I once heard from the Talmid of a gadol from the last generation a very important point.  He said that as far as going to the hospital or some medical clinic on Shabbos, if you would go during the week, then you should go on Shabbos as well. 

Knowing the signs and symptoms of a possible medical emergency will “add hours to your day, days to your year and years to your life.” 

Alan Freishtat is an A.C.E. CERTIFIED PERSONAL TRAINER and a BEHAVIORAL CHANGE and WELLNESS COACH with over 19 years of professional experience. Alan is the creator and director of the “10 Weeks to Health” program for weight loss. He is available for private coaching sessions, consultations, assessments and personalized workout programs both in his office and by telephone and skype. Alan also lectures and gives seminars and workshops. He can be reached at 02-651-8502 or 050-555-7175, or by email at Check out his web site – US Line: 516-568-5027