Pirchei Agudath Israel's Post Succos Hasmada Banquet (Photo Essay)

By BJLife/Rabbi Yakov Horowitz
Posted on 11/13/16

Baltimore, MD - Nov. 13 2016  - Pirchei's annual banquet honors our young boys (grades 1-5) for using their Yom Tov time productively, by including Torah-learning into their daily vacation schedule.  In order to receive an invitation to the banquet, each boy had to have met their daily requirement of learning according to their age-level.

The exciting program was well attended as the Liberty Jewish Center's social hall was filled to capacity with close to 700 people (mostly children). 

The audience was congratulated by Rabbi Moshe Heinemann, shlita, Rabbi of Agudath Israel of Park Heights, for using their time wisely and blessed each student to acquire a stellar reputation and become a great person - worthy of emulation. (Pirchei's youth group is one of the program's initiated and funded by the Agudah.)

The crowd was entertained and enraptured with the stories, antics and humor of the famed "Rebbi Hill" (son of Steven Hill, of blessed memory).  Adults and children alike laughed riotously through his first story about Matza preparation and sensitivity.  The crowd sat entranced at his second story - a more serious one, about survival during the Second World War.

Mr. Ben Tzion Weiss led the singing and dance-train with his uplifting music. 

Mr.  Fishel Gross and staff from O'Fishel's served a most appropriate youngster's meal with more than adequate supply for the large crowd.

Benching and a grand raffle, led by Rabbi Mordechai Glazer followed, to the excitement and delight of all.

We hope that all of the boys have been encouraged to continue to excel in their studies and enjoyed the "night out" with their dads.  Fathers and grandfathers were proud of and enjoyed their special time with their sons and grandsons.

Much continued Nachas!