Macy’s Flagship In New York Debuts Apple Shop

Posted on 10/15/16 | News Source: Denver Post

NEW YORK — Customers at Macy’s flagship store in New York will be able to wander over from eyeliner to iPads.

Macy’s launched an Apple shop Friday at its Herald Square store, the first U.S. department store with a hub devoted to the brand. The shop features a range of products including iPhones, iPads, MacBooks, and the new Nike-branded Apple watch. Staffed by Apple associates, it’s on the main floor in the heart of the busy cosmetics and fragrance area.

“This is one of the most sought-after products,” Terry Lundgren, the outgoing CEO of Macy’s, told The Associated Press. “We really cater to women better than most retail stores do. I do think that we are going to end up creating a business that is more female-friendly.”

Beyond the Apple shop, Macy’s is also moving to highlight consumer tech at 180 stores. It’s rolling out dedicated areas before the holiday season that will include Apple watches but also Fitbits and other “smart” watches. The Herald Square store will have this section as well.

The Apple partnership comes as Macy’s is collaborating with other brands to create almost a mini-mall. Macy’s and Luxottica Group have a partnership to open LensCrafters optical shops in as many as 500 stores over the next three years. That builds on more at Denver Post