UPDATED: Make the Miracle Happen

By Avraham Yitzchok Sperling
Posted on 11/02/16

[Ed. Note] The Kallah referred to in this brief article has strong Baltimore connections, with her father, Avrohom Yitzchak Sperling, being born and raised in Baltimore. The Kallah’s grandmother, Mrs. Ada Sperling, is the daughter of the well-known Baltimore askan, Morris Siegel, zt'l. Therefore, besides being related to the Baltimore Sperlings, she is also related to the Siegels, Obersteins, Weinrebs, Naimans, Shavricks, Westreichs, Caplans, Gersteins,  etc. in Baltimore.

A little over six months ago, Sara Sperling was injured in a widely-reported bus crash in Eretz Yisrael.  Her right arm was connected by a strip of skin, and for all practical purposes had been amputated.  Her right leg was severely fractured, and nine out of ten doctors that were on the scene wanted to amputate the leg.  In the end, the single doctor won and in an eleven hour operation the leg was operated on, and the arm was reconnected.  Now, six months later, Sarah walks without a limp, and is starting to move her right elbow and fingers.  She is in a very intensive physical therapy schedule on both the arm and the leg, four sessions a week in Tel Hashomer hospital and another two private sessions in Tel Aviv.  The couple want to get married already and all of us would like to see them under the Chuppa after Succos.

The problem that stands in their way is money.  They will need a lot of help that other couples don't need, such as full time cleaning help, cabs to therapy, and possibly an operation in Philadelphia.  Rav Gans from Mattersdorf is in charge of a fund for them.  The goal is to raise $30,000 to take care of their needs for the next three to four years, until the insurance money will become available. 

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