Beat Clutter. Create Function. Live Easy. Lesson One: Sort Out Life...One Load at a Time!

By BJLife/Tanya Klein
Posted on 09/18/16

Baltimore, MD - Sept. 18, 2016 - Hello all! I’m excited to be joining Baltimore Jewish Life as a contributing editor! What a great opportunity to meet all of you wonderful readers and share some fabulous tips that have helped so many of my clients and friends over the years!

Firstly, I’d like to tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Tanya Klein and I live in the Park Heights area. I am married to Heshie Klein of Shomrim fame, am a proud mom of 8, and a grandmother to a bunch of beautiful grandchildren.

I am also the President and owner of Precision Organizing, a home and office organizing company, and I will be writing columns filled with hints and tips on getting your home and your life more organized. Thank you for joining me; I hope you will find this column informative and entertaining.

A professional organizer brings a fresh perspective to your home. We problem solve with you, and help you set up systems, so that any area that has been troublesome for you is streamlined into a smooth and easy-to-follow system for success.

Let me explain what I mean.  Let’s say there’s a lovely woman named Mona Lisa (okay, was she smiling, or not?? Drives me crazy every time I think about her.)  Mona’s children have been complaining that they have no clean clothing in their closets and drawers, which slows them down when they are rushing to get ready in the morning.

Mona decides that she is going to focus on being on top of the laundry situation, and starts churning out load after load of laundry. The whites are snowy white, the brights are glowing, and the whole wash/dry process has been turned into a symphony of efficiency never to have been witnessed before in the Lisa household.

Sounds great, right?

Here’s the problem- Mona (who is known by her friends as “the shy one”) has not planned the process through to its completion.

While she has washed and dried myriad piles of clothing, rather than folding and putting away the clothes where they belong, she drops the whole pile on her guest room bed.

With all her heart and soul, she intends to come back in 10 minutes and fold and put the clothing away, but then the phone rings, baby throws up, she responds to an email, and the whole pile is forgotten.

Next morning comes, and the kids need to get dressed.

Mona is aghast to discover that nobody has anything to wear. “But I did all the laundry, what’s the problem????”

The problem my friends, is that Mona does not know the golden rule of laundry control that I am about to share with you!

Are you ready??????? Drumroll please!!! 


That’s it, just one simple rule that will change your life!

If the whole laundry process is confined to your laundry room from start to finish, you will never suffer like Mona does!

Here are 3 easy steps to show you how the whole process should work:

      1. Wash and dry laundry.

      2. Fold laundry into baskets designated for each child or each room. (You can label or color code your baskets.)

      3. Now you are ready to put the clothes away. You may leave the laundry room. Carry the baskets into the rooms where the clothing belong, and put them in the drawers or closets immediately. 

That’s the whole story, my friends. Sounds so simple, and if only Mona knew the golden rule, thing would be so much easier for her. This can be helpful to you as well if you have been struggling with a laundry situation such as Mona had.

Your whole day can become easier just following this system.

In the morning:

Evenings will shine as well:

I hope this tip has helped you, and I am looking forward to sharing some more fabulous information with you in the coming weeks.

Since the Yomim Tovim (Jewish Holidays) are coming up, I will be presenting the following topics:

      1. Putting together a menu and a shopping list so that no chicken will be left behind.

      2. Food prep and freezing techniques so that your fabulous dishes can go straight from freezer-to-oven in a matter of minutes.

      3. Organizing your guest room for holiday guests in a few easy steps.

I’ll even let you take all the credit for having the best food, the neatest guest room, and the most organized house.  (No one has to know that I gave you a few ideas,  that will just be our little secret:-)

I’m looking forward to spending some more time with you on (BJL), Thanks so much for joining me and please be sure to share my articles with all your friends.

If you have any organizing questions that you would like answered, feel free to post them in the comments section below.



As a professional Organizer and public speaker of 'all things organizing' serving the Pikesville, Owings Mills, and Towson neighborhoods, Tanya Klein at Precision Organizing specializes in residential and home office organization. Tanya’s experience allows her to quickly asses the needs of her clients, and teach them how to best use systems to handle the “stuff” in their lives more effectively. Tanya can be reached by phone at 443-956-2522 or email