Sen. Joe Lieberman to Speak at AIMD Brunch This Sunday

By Agudath Israel of Maryland (AIMD)
Posted on 09/16/16

Baltimore, MD – Sept. 16, 2016 - Please join us Sunday at 9:30 am for the annual benefit brunch of Agudath Israel of Maryland. Meet Senator Joe Lieberman and listen to him provide his unique perspective on the very tumultuous election season that is upon us. The event will be hosted by Susie and Matt Schoenfeld; more information on the event can be found here.

All proceeds from the event go to support the work of Agudath Israel of Maryland (AIMD). AIMD, under the leadership of Rabbi Ariel Sadwin, is the Orthodox Jewish community’s address for all matters of government affairs and political advocacy, with intimate focus on serving the needs of the Jewish day schools and protecting religious liberties. AIMD was very instrumental in the recent success of the BOOST scholarship program where close to $900K was given out in scholarships to eligible Jewish day school students. Your participation in this event will help ensure that these services will continue and the needs of the community will be addressed.