Daily at 5 PM - Dial-In L'ilui Nishmos Mrs. Laure Gutman, z'l and Reb Daniel Lansky, z"l - Community-Wide Participation Urged

By BJL Staff
Posted on 09/13/16

Baltimore, MD - Sept. 12, 2016 - Many members of the Baltimore community have been looking to do something special as a zechus ľilui nishmos two very special people in our community, Mrs. Laure Gutman, z'l and Reb Daniel Lansky, z"l. Both personified how one must be careful with how they speak and it would be befitting for our community to carry on this mission for them. 

Beginning today at 5:00PM, and carrying on daily and 2:00 PM on Fridays, there will be a “dial in” hotline, on which various community members will deliver a brief dvar halacha about Shemiras HaLashon.  We hope that through this program and our vigilance of how we speak, this new shiur will provide a tremendous Aliyah for their neshamos and a chizuk for our community as a whole.

Dial in information:

Dial-in Number: 1-302-202-1108

Conference Code: 141958

May our community as a whole, through this effort, be zoche to a kesiva vechasima tova!