Baltimore's Brother, Daniel

By BJLife/Gobbie Cohn
Posted on 08/28/16

So much has been written already. There is little I can add to those who have brilliantly described Daniel. I was not particularly close with Daniel, but he was always friendly, sharing that big warm smile when we greeted each other. One particular memory I have of Daniel, was 20 years ago during my years as an advisor in NCSY. I will never forget the passion and confidence with which Daniel would sing at an NCSY Shabbaton. He used his koach of niggun to uplift the neshamos of many.

However, my main purpose for writing is to focus on an observation I have made over the last few months, weeks and these last few days. Since the time Daniel was diagnosed about 6 months ago, our community did not hesitate to learn more, daven more, or say more tehillim. When Daniel was up for it, community members availed themselves to give chizuk to him through song and music. People wrote and dedicated songs in his z’chus.  When the community was asked to attend a tehillim gathering, we came. When asked to learn Eirechin, we learned. When asked to raise money, we raised money. During this tekufah, his friends, family and our community gravitated to help him in a very deep and meaningful way.

At the levaya, I felt a tremendous sense of brotherhood and unity. I felt an achdus that I have no doubt Daniel was directly responsible for creating. This has been clearly illustrated through the many Facebook posts and articles from friends of Daniel’s, some close and some not so close. What is unanimous, is that he was a brother to us all. He was a great teacher. He taught us to have Emunah. He reminded us about the importance of tefillah. He reminded us, that whatever you do in life, give your whole self.

I had the tough responsibility of singing at a wedding just a few hours after the levaya. I was emotionally drained, and yet, I had to move to an atmosphere of Simcha. I sang L’maancha and Melech Malchei Hamlachim back to back with my whole self, and I could not hold myself back from tears.

Daniel was an incredible person from whom we have much to learn. May HKBH gve his family  nechama, and may He look out for our community and Klal Yisroel.