NEW!! Listen: Baltimore's Yitzy Kaplowitz Introduces "Refaeinu" in the zechus for a Refuah of Refael Daniel Mordechai ben Chaya Shifra (Audio)

By BJLife/Reb Yitzy Kaplowitz
Posted on 08/16/16

Baltimore, MD - Aug. 16, 2016 - This song was written in the merit that my dear friend Refael Daniel Mordechai ben Chaya Shifra will have a quick and complete Refuah Shleimah. Please daven for Refael Daniel among Cholei Yisrael

This song is especially meaningful to me as it was written in the zechus for a Refuah of my chaver Refael Daniel Mordechai ben Chaya Shifra.
Three months ago a number of my friends organized a kumsitz scheduled to take place at the end of Lag Baomer where we would get together with Refael Daniel and sing and cry out to Hashem that he grant our chaver a complete Refuah Shleimah.

Around 7:30 PM on that evening I found myself still in the hospital due to an unxpectedly busy day. I was fortunate enough to have a few minutes between cases and I went to my office for a few minutes to recharge. While there I took out my guitar and thought that it would be very special If I would compose a song in Refael Daniels merit.

This song Refaeinu is what I started to sing and I was fortunate to share it later that evening.

As a physician I can fully attest that there is only one Rofeh Neman Vrachman, at best I am simply a humble servant and messenger of his. I know that the koach of tefillah is incredible and I hope that this song inspires you to say these words more feeling. I know that I now daven these words in a completely different manner.

I hope that everyone who see this or finds inspiration from this song will call out to our father in heaven and ask him to grant Refael Daniel Mordechai ben Chaya Shifra a complete and speedy refhuah sheleimah bkarov together with all of the other Cholei Yisrael.

I ask that you please share this with your friends so that we can increase the tefillos, mitvos and massim tovim done on behalf of Refael Daniel, a young father who is in desperate need of our tefillos.
I hope to be able to sit with Refael Daniel and all of you soon at a kumsitz of hodaah for Refael Daniels complete recovery