Baltimore's Siyum HaTorah

By BJL Staff
Posted on 07/28/16

Baltimore, MD - July 28, 2016 - “Hadran Alach Seder Taharos, Tanach, Shisha Sedarim V’Shas Bavli v’Hadrach Alan.”  So began Reb Nosson Horowitz as he, on behalf of the entire Baltimore community, recited the Hadran on Kol HaTorah Kulah – all of Tanach, Mishnayos and Gemara Bavli.

Learning began in earnest last summer for this 25th cycle of Baltimore’s Siyum HaTorah, as  community members joined together to do what no one person could do by himself.  Rabbi Zvi Teichman began the 26th cycle with the first Mishna in Brachos.  Congregants of Rabbi Teichman’s shul, Ohel Moshe, joined in this year’s Siyum by completing four of the Sedarim of Mishnayos and hope to complete all six Sedarim for the coming cycle.

Masterfully MC'd by Rabbi Chanan Daniel Skurnik, a festive meal ensued and the crowd of over 200 was addressed by Rabbi Moshe Heinemann, Rabbi Sheftel Neuberger and Mr. Seth Gerstman, co-chairman of the event along with Rabbi Menachem Dreyfuss and Mr. Avraham Shugarman.  Everyone spoke of the Siyum as a unifying factor in Baltimore and an important merit for our community.   Those who participated in the learning were thanked, as were those who came to celebrate the accomplishment of the community.  Special recognition was given to the wives and families who support the learning that takes place.

Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff, Rav of Agudath Yisroel Bais Binyomin of Brooklyn, was the guest speaker.  Rabbi Lieff enthralled and uplifted the crowd, citing sources and telling entertaining stories proving how special our community is and the part the Siyum plays in unifying Baltimore.  He quoted Rabbi Ruderman as saying that Shalom is something that needs to be worked on.  It doesn’t happen on its own and Torah is our unifying factor. 

One participant in the Siyum commented how learning his part was very difficult for him, yet hearing the words “Hadran Alach” made it all worthwhile.  Another participant commented that this type of Siyum will never be something that he could manage on his own, but he takes satisfaction in knowing that learning his one part plays such an integral part in the community being able to accomplish this Siyum.

The signing up for next year’s Siyum has begun and any individual or shul that would like to get involved is asked to contact Seth Gerstman.

Photo Credit Reb Laibel Shugarman