Jews In Nice Are Scared, But Stand Together

By Yoni Kempinski
Posted on 07/22/16 | News Source: Arutz Sheva

A leader of Nice's Jewish community talks about concerns and confidence a week after terror attack killed 84 people.

On Thursday, a week after the terror attack in southern France, representatives from the three major Abrahamic religious held a memorial ceremony and prayer.

Arutz Sheva spoke with a senior member of the Jewish community in Nice in order to hear how the past few days have been for the community. N. is one of the people responsible for the Jewish community's security in the city and asked not to be identified by name during these sensitive times.

"The attack left the Jewish community in shock," he explained. "It occurred close to Shabbat and many people didn't come to the synagogues the next morning. People are afraid. It happened near the community, near the synagogue."

Did you increase security at Jewish institutions?

"Certainly. Last Shabbat, this Shabbat, and for the near future there will be increased security. The message is to continue living as Jews in France - to give a good and secure feeling, and of course to protect the institutions."

As for the victims of the attack, the community has one dead woman plus her sister, who is still in serious condition and unconscious. "There are another ten or so who were wounded and their lives are not in danger. One of them was already released home and we hope that the others will be discharged soon."

Immediately after the attack, the community mobilized to treat its members. N. told about the treatment and consultation that the community organized for anyone who felt overwhelmed by the attack. "Dozens came to participate and tell what they went through. Many of the community members saw what happened up close. They saw the victims, everything. They are in shock, especially the children who naturally keep such things inside. We push the children to take part and talk, and it helps."

Is there a feeling of common destiny in the community because of the attack?

"People are very united," N. answered decisively, and told how, immediately after the attack, many called community institutions to see how they could volunteer and help those in need.

In conclusion, he asked to emphasize that "As a community, we are always very united and tied to each other, and this is especially so now after the tragedy. But we're also very connected to the city's residents. All of Nice is united."