Torah Institute (TI) is Privileged to a Visit from the Mirer Rosh Yeshiva (Photo Essay)

By BJLife/Rabbi C. Daniel Skurnik, TI Director of Development
Posted on 07/20/16

Baltimore, MD - July 20, 2016 - On Tuesday morning, 6 Tamuz /July 12, Yeshivas Kochav Yitzchok/Torah Institute had the privilege of hosting the Mirer Rosh Yeshiva, Harav Eliezer Yehuda Finkel, Shlita. Although the Rosh Yeshiva schedule during his short stay in Baltimore was jam-packed, with hardly a moment to spare, he made time to give chizuk and brachos to the talmidim of the Cheder.

Even before the Rosh Yeshiva entered the school, the excitement was palpable. The entire student body, eagerly awaiting the Rosh Yeshiva, lined the walls of the lobby, in a wonderful display of kavod HaTorah. Once the Rosh Yeshiva entered, everyone burst into joyous singing, and the Rosh Yeshiva was escorted to the Beis Medrash by the talmidim and their Rabbeim.  

In the packed Bais Medrash, Harav Finkel delivered a shmues. Although he spoke in Hebrew, the language gap could not mask the Rosh Yeshiva's warmth, his ahavas haTorah, and his ahavas Yisroel. In the middle of his remarks, the Rosh Yeshiva spoke a few words in English, urging each talmid to realize that he has tremendous potential, which he dare not underestimate. 

Afterward, the Rosh Yeshiva warmly greeted each talmid individually. He was then escorted back to his car, once again amid enthusiastic singing and dancing. Before entering his car, the Rosh Yeshiva himself joined in the singing and dancing, widening smiles and warming hearts.  

Gedolei Yisroel are the lifeblood of Klal Yisroel, a truth that is continually stressed in the Cheder. Thus, when the Cheder has the privilege of hosting a Gadol, it jumps at the opportunity, knowing that such visits leave an indelible impression on its talmidim.