Israeli Brigadier General: 'In Future War, Israel Will Be Hit With Biggest Rocket Salvos Seen Yet'

Posted on 06/27/16 | News Source: VIN

Jerusalem - In any future war, Israel will be hit with the largest rocket salvos seen in its history - that was the stark warning issued by Brig.-Gen. Zvika Haimovich, commander of air defenses in the Israel Air Force on Monday.

Speaking at the Israel Air Missile Defense Conference in Rishon Lezion, which was organized by the iHLS website, Haimovich said Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas were carrying out joint research and development of rockets, adding, “We can see a lot of live tests in Gaza with Hamas, and with Iran and Hezbollah [in Lebanon]. They have put in a lot of effort to increase and improve their skills.”

Hostile entities will seek to overwhelm air defenses with heavy salvos, Haimovich said. “In the future, we will meet and engage much bigger salvos,” he said. They will come from multiple directions, and a “regional war” is a more realistic scenario than a single-front escalation, he said.

Gazan and southern Lebanese weapons storage facilities house many thousands of rockets, Haimovich said, adding, “It doesn’t matter how many. We are dealing with a complicated environment.” Israel’s enemies have concluded that firing large numbers of inaccurate rockets is insufficient, and in recent years, they have begun moving away from that tactic, and toward accurate, guided projectiles, he said. With rockets becoming accurate, the difference between rockets and missiles has become fudged, Haimovich added.

Hezbollah can cover more than 75 percent of Israeli more at VIN