Prosecutor Wants To Send Talmid Yeshiva To Prison For Six Months For Failing To Register For The Draft

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 06/27/16 | News Source: YWN

A talmid of Yeshivat Ateret Yisrael, 21, a resident of Bnei Brak, was arrested by IDF military police about 12 days ago. It appears that he simply failed to register for the draft, not because of hashkafa but he forgot or did not get around to it.

The ben Torah stood trial on Monday 21 Sivan and the military prosecutor called to send him to prison for six months. The talmid’s parents explain his actions were not guided by ideology, rather he misunderstood, adding he was abroad for an extended period of time, leading to the current situation.

Heads of the yeshiva have also intervened on his behalf.