4 Muslims arrested on Temple Mount

By Ido Ben-Porat
Posted on 06/26/16 | News Source: Arutz Sheva

The Jerusalem Police arrested four Muslim youths Sunday morning inside the Temple Mount Compound, on suspicion of disturbing the public peace and interfering with police.

The arrests were carried out after a group of Muslim youths, some of them with their faces covered, began shouting at Jews who ascended the Mount. The incident took place during the hours in which the Mount is open to Jews and tourists.

Police noted that the visits to the Mount are continuing as usual.

“The Jerusalem Police are deployed at the location and throughout the Old City and the points of tension”, said the police in a written statement, vowing to “act with determination in the face of any attempt by lawbreakers to try and disturb the peace, for the sake of preservation of freedom of religious ritual and the security of all of the religious streams in the capital”.

Speaking on Radio Mwatini, Azzam al-Hatib of the Muslim Waqf called on Muslims to gather at the Al Aqsa Mosque to support “the steadfastness of the residents of Palestinian Jerusalem”, and said that this was a national and religious duty.